Day 3 Assignment – katte jahnavi

What is kubernetes? Kubernetes is a portable, extensible, open source platform for managing containerized workloads and services, that facilitates both declarative configuration and automation system for automating software deployment, scaling, and management.It has a large, rapidly growing ecosystem. Kubernetes services, support, and tools are widely available. 5 reasons of using kubernetes: 1. Free Cloud Solution :The good quality of Kubernetes is that its “free of charge” nature remains when we migrate to the cloud.  2. Same solution for all the problems:

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Assignment 3 – by JVarshita

Q1 – Kubernetes – In simple words kubernetes is a portable open source platform which helps in managing multiple docker hosts, servers and automation. It is also useful in automating the container operations, by eliminating the manual process for maintaining many servers together. It was developed by Google, which was later donated to CNCF. Q2 – Time Saving – As kubernetes eliminates the human or manual process by maintaining many servers together it is time saving. Solution – If many

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1. What is kubernetes

Kubernetes is a container orchestration tool. It is used to manage multiple docker host. It is developed in Go language It is open source. It is developed by google but donated to CNCF. 2. 5 reasons of using kubernetes. It overcomes the problem of container. It manages multiple docker hosts. Its open source. Scalability Efficiency 3. Each kubernetes Components & write 2-3 mins about each one of them. API server – It is responsible for all the services of kubernetes.

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What is kubernetes? by (Aishwarya Kurada)

Kubernetes is a portable, extensible, open-source platform for managing containerized workloads and services, that facilitates both declarative configuration and automation. It has a large, rapidly growing ecosystem. Kubernetes services, support, and tools are widely available. 5 reasons of using kubernetes? 1 Architectural Advantages 2 Same solution to all problems 3 simplified devops and performance 4 free cloud solution 5 A new way to do the same things Each kubernetes Components Pods: The smallest unit of deployment of an application.. Worker nodes: The worker

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Assignment 2 by Nallagatla Sarvani [ 24-05-2022]

What is Docker ? Docker is a container that communicate and configure files with each other through some defined channels, it is used in automation projects. Docker reduces time in deployment and make easy for the developer to build, run and test the process. What is Container? Container is a set of packages used to run the application quickly and reliable. Containers make sure that it works uniformly even there might be some variations in instances between developing. Containers are

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TDP DevOps – Day 2 Assignment

1) What is Docker ? Docker is platform for developing and running applications and software in packages called containers. Docker is a collaboration between development and operations teams which enables continuous delivery of applications and services to the end users. It is a tool that which is used to automate the deployment of software in containers so that applications can work efficiently in diverse environments. Docker enables multiple containers run on the same hardware and maintains isolated applications that leads

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Assignment 2

What is docker Docker is a containerization platform which we can build the applications and deploy the code.and it is an open source enables developers to package applications into the containers. Docker applications run in containers that can be used on any of the system.It is a platform for creating and managing containers that are isolated from one another but can communicate via defined channels. using docker to ship and run your containers is a low-cost way of building software

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Day 2 Docker

1..Docker allows user to create , deploy and run applications managing software packages called containers It allows to break down application into small services. It is an open platform for developing, and running applications. 2…containers fully independent APP Run time environment create – start – stop – restart – kill – start – pause – un pause -Stop – Remove it simplify the build, test, deploy pipelines have isolated libraries to run the application 3….Advantages i. Ability to run anywhere

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Day 2 assignment

1 . What is docker ? Docker is an application which basically does the configuration of namespaces and the Cgroups of the linux underthhood . Docker is used to create images of the application which can be analogous to classes in OOPs and containers which is created are like objects of the class. Multiple containers can be created from the docker image 2. What is container ? Container are the runtime instances of the docker image . docker ps :

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Importance and Advantages of Docker

Docker Docker = Managing Container PHYSCIAL —> VMs –> Container Docker Images – Do Not contain KERNEL Docker is a Managing Container.Docker is a type of containerization platform that packages your application and all its dependencies together. This ensures that your application works seamlessly in any environment. The reason for the success of Docker in the DevOps environment is its ability in containerizing the applications. This reduces the time to develop and release a solution for a software development company.It

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Day-2 Assignment

1) What is Docker?  A) Docker is a tool, which helps the developers to merge the applications in to a single container. It is used to create and manages the containers. It can be used to execute the applications in many environments. It is just like virtual machines but different from that. Using the containers in docker we can run them on same hardware. A) Container is a package it consists of all dependencies like java, git, apache, etc… which

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What is Docker ? Docker is an open-source containerization technology that allows you to create, distribute, and execute software without relying on your local or remote infrastructure. It is a platform for creating and managing containers that are isolated from one another but can communicate via defined channels. The docker platform lets developers and programmers seamlessly throughout their workspace. Whether you are an in-house or remote team with members around the world, using docker to ship and run your containers

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Day-2 assignment

what is docker?  Docker is an open source containerization stage. It empowers engineers to bundle applications into containers—standardized executable components combining application source code with the working framework (OS) libraries and conditions required to run that code in any environment. what is container? A container could be a commonplace unit of package that packages up code and every one its dependencies therefore the application runs quickly and faithfully from one computing atmosphere to a different. Portability of software easily Isolation Flexibility scalability Cost effective usage of resources top 10 commands Docker info- it displays the images, number of containers and version of docker Docker images-Displays

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Docker Assingment

1)what is Docker Docker is an open source platform for managing containers. It enables developers to package applications into containers. this platform makes the task easier, simpler and safe to build, deploy and manage the containers. Docker is essentially a tool kit that enables developers to build, deploy, run, update, and stop containers using simple commands and work saving automation through a single API. As, a result, container technology offers all the functionality and benefits of VMs including application isolation,

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*What is Docker? Docker is a fully independent application run time environment, which helps applications package into containers. docker is a software development platform which helps in running various environment testings . once dockers are formed it manages in creating, starting, stop and pause, unpause and also removing the containers .docker uses operating system libraries to deliver software.docker makes packaging process easier and also building, shipping along with deploying software .it helps to work across applications.dockers can be deployed in

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1)What is Docker? – 5 lines with 1 images

Docker is an open-source containerization platform used for developing, deploying, and managing applications in lightweight virtualized environments called containers. It is mainly used as a software development platform for developing distributed applications that work efficiently in different environments. By making the software system agnostic, developers don’t have to worry about compatibility issues. Packaging apps into isolated environments (containers) also makes it easier to develop, deploy, maintain, and use applications. 2) What is Container? – – 5 lines with 1 images A standard package

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Day2-Assignment by Dasari Sowmya

1) What is Docker? Docker is a tool for managing containers. Docker is tool for creating, sharing and running individual containers. Docker is a software platform that allows you to build, test, and deploy applications quickly. Everything we need for development can simply run on Docker engine as containers Dockers lightweight and portability nature makes it easy to dynamically manage workloads. 2)What is Container? Container is fully independent APP run time environment. A container is a standard unit of software

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Docker Docker is a very popular and powerful open-source containerization platform that is used for building, deploying, and running applications. Container A container is a standard unit of software bundled with dependencies so that applications can be deployed fast and reliably b/w different computing platforms. 5 Advantages of Docker 1.Return on investment & cost savings 2. Standardization & productivity 3. CI efficiency 4. Compatibility & maintainability 5.Simplicity & faster configurations Top 10 commands docker version docker images docker pull httpd

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DAY-2 DevOps Assignment

1.What is Docker? – 5 lines with 1 images Docker is a Managing Container and is an open source containerization platform. Docker is an application build and deployment tool. It is based on the idea of that you can package your code with dependencies into a deployable unit called a container. Containers have been around for quite some time.For example think of the shipping containers used for intermodal shipping. You put your package (code and dependencies) in the container, ship

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Overview of Docker and Container – by Gorsa Lakshmi Niharika

What is Docker? Docker is a open source containerization platform, where it enables all the developers to package applications into containers. In a low level definition of Docker, it is an tool for handling and managing all the containers. It is based on the idea where one can package code with all the dependencies. Containers will be around for good amount of time. Docker reduces the usage for more infrastructure resources into the development. Benefits of Docker: Great for Investment

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