1. what is chef

Chef is a configuration management technology used to automate the infrastructure provisioning. It is developed on the basis of Ruby DSL language. 2. 10 advantages of chef. accelerating software delivery Increasing Service Resiliency Improving Risk Management Accelerating Cloud Adoption Managing Both Data Center and Cloud Environments Delivering All Your Infrastructure efficiency flexibilty accessibility performance 3.how to install chef workstation? Requirements. Infrastructure Overview. Quick Start guide. Install Workstation. Automate Server. Cookbook Setup. Set up Policy. Set up Nodes. Configure. Enrollment. Application Management.

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1. What is kubernetes

Kubernetes is a container orchestration tool. It is used to manage multiple docker host. It is developed in Go language It is open source. It is developed by google but donated to CNCF. 2. 5 reasons of using kubernetes. It overcomes the problem of container. It manages multiple docker hosts. Its open source. Scalability Efficiency 3. Each kubernetes Components & write 2-3 mins about each one of them. API server – It is responsible for all the services of kubernetes.

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1. What is docker?

Docker is a tool which manages container. As a part of managing container it performs following operations like create, start, stop, restart, remove, pause, unpause etc. Its an open source platform. Docker image do not contain the kernel Docker consumes less ram, cpu and other resources comparing with the virtual server 2. What is container? A container is a fully independent application runtime environment. It helps in running the applications. The container has a workflow for managing applications. Its has

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what is devops

DevOps is a software development practice and a culture which motives in bringing the change in the mindsets of the engineers who are involved in the development of the project and the team through communication, automation, integration and monitoring. 10 advantages of DevOps scalability automation smooth workflow high productivity great connect good monitoring open source profitability supports development models high growth Top10 tools used in DevOps git docker jenkins jira selenium kubernetes cucumber puppet chef splunck How to implement DevOps

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