Upgrade & Secure Your Future with DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps, MLOps!
We spend hours on Instagram and YouTube and waste money on coffee and fast food, but won’t spend 30 minutes a day learning skills to boost our careers.
Master in DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps & MLOps!
Learn from Guru Rajesh Kumar and double your salary in just one year.
Courses | Link | Career Scope Rating |
1. Mater in DevOps Engineering course (MDE) | Link | (5 out of 5) |
2. DevSecOps Certified Professional Courses(DSOCP) | Link | (5 out of 5) |
3. Site Reliability Engineering Courses (SRE) | Link | (5 out of 5) |
4. Certified Kubernetes Administrator and Developer course(CKAD) | Link | (4.9 out of 5) |
5. Git certified course | Link | (4.9 out of 5) |
6. GitHub certified course | Link | (4.8 out of 5) |
7. DataOps certified professional course (DOCPC) | Link | (4.7 out of 5) |
8. Artificial Intelligence professional Course (AIPC) | Link | (5 out of 5) |
9. AIOPs certified professional course (AOCP) | Link | (4.8 out of 5) |
10. Machine Learning certified professional course (MLCP) | Link | (4.9 out of 5) |
11. MLOPs certified professional course (MOCP) | Link | (4.9 out of 5) |
12. Docker Certified Associate course (DCA) | Link | (4.8 out of 5) |
13. Harshicorp Vault certified course (HVC) | Link | (4.7 out of 5) |
14. Harshicorp Consul certified course (HCC) | Link | (4.5 out of 5) |
15. Splunk certified course | Link | (4.5 out of 5) |
16. Newrelic certified courses | Link | (4.6 out of 5) |
17. Google cloud platform courses | Link | (4.8 out of 5) |
18. SonarQube certified courses | Link | (4.5 out of 5) |
19. Python certified courses | Link | (4.6 out of 5) |
20. AWS Cloud course | Link | (4.9 out of 5) |
Mater in DevOps Engineering course (MDE)

DevOps is practice of software engineers and the combination of Software Development and IT Operations to obtain a high quality software in less time and less cost efficiently and effectively. This course is designed to teach you everything about DevOps and its related toolsets like Ansible, Docker, Kubernetes, Bamboo, and many more. This is the essential level of DevOps which build DevOps knowledge in you. So you can move towards our Master program to get complete knowledge about DevOps. This course comes with 1 project, live sessions, learning materials and many more.
Benefits of DevOps Practices
- Enable automation to development process
- Eable continuous delivery
- Enable continuous integration
- Enable continuous deployment
- Reduce production cost
- Saves time
- Focus to give best user experience
- Increase productivity
- Reduce toil and mistakes
DevSecOps Certified Professional Courses(DSOCP)

DevSecOps means development, security, and operations. DevSecOps is the practice that mainly focus towards security. It considers, security is important and its everyone responsibility to check the security is not getting compromised in every stage of work. It enables automation to bring security in every phase of development cycle. This course is designed to aware you about DevSecOps concept, tools and techniques by getting trained from industry recognized expert trainers, and through hands on practice on tools to give you real- world experience and skills. It will help you to become professional and achieve your career goal. This course comes with 3 projects, live sessions, learning materials and many more.
Benefits of DevSecOps
- Enable automation
- Reduce expenses
- Increase delivery rate
- Enable Security, Monitoring, Deployment check from beginning.
- Quick recovery in the case of a security incident
- Examine code to find the vulnerability.
- Uses DevOps methodology.
Site Reliability Engineering Courses (SRE)

SRE is a software engineering process that works with Development and Operations team to provide the reliable and scalable system and to give a best user experience.
Basically, SRE work is to keep the system safe and smooth without any bloatwares and errors. It automates the tasks and systems to decrease the toil, save time, and also to get accurate notification about system functions and to keep system reliably. It provides the best experience even in downtime.
In this course you will learn about SRE concepts, theory of SLO, SLI, SLA and SRE toolsets. This course is designed for beginners and experts who wants to build their career in SRE or wants to brush up their skills and knowledge. We are providing leading experts from leading universitites and companies to give you required knowledge and skills through online training which will help you to become a certified SRE professional. This course comes with 1 project, live sessions, learning materials and many more.
Benefits of SRE
- Minimize toil
- Minimize the cost of failure.
- Increase the accuracy of reliability
- Removes silo’s and Collaborates both Development and Operational teams to acheive the best result.
- Early prediction of errors and failure of system.
- Saves time
- Enable automation
- Provide customer satisfation by meet customer expectations.
Certified Kubernetes Administrator and Developer course(CKAD)

Kubernetes is an open-source and orchestration tool that works fluently with DevOps. It has gained a impressive growth so far and is predicting to surpass by 75% more by 2022.
Certified Kubernetes administrator helps in designing and implementing solutions to leverage a Kubernetes cluster, configuring hardware, peripherals, services, managing settings and storage, and deploy cloud native applications. Whereas Certified Kubernetes Developer helps in design, build and deploy cloud-native applications for Kubernetes. Kubernetes Developer utilizes Kubernetes key primitives to create and migrate, configure, expose and observe scalable applications.
This course is designed to help you gain all the skill and knowledge of Kubernetes administrator and Developer to build your career in one of the best tool. We provide you best expert trainer to help you acheive your career goal and also give you hands on practice to experience real-world working enviornment. This course is enough to become professional or master in Kubernetes. Projects, learning materials, online training, and so many come with this course.
Git certified course

Git is a distributed open-source version control system. It is designed to handle small to big projects and also used to track variations in the source code. It enables multiple developers collaborate with each other on non-linear development. Git comes with top class features that left all other similar tools behind. The features are cheap local branching, convenient staging areas, and multiple workflows.
This course is designed to show you an advanced and latest technology that is using by almost all companies in all over the world, and to make you competent to use it like a pro by getting trained online from our universities and IT experts.
This course is designed to make you competent to use an advanced and latest technology that is being used by almost all companies in all over the world by giving you online training from IT experts through DevOpsSchool. This course helps you become professional by providing different ways to learn such as different learning materials, 24 Hrs technical support, online training, 1 project, Hands on practice and many more. This course is for everyone whether he is a beginner or a experience professional to brush up his knowledge. You will learn from basic to advance level.
Github certified course

GitHub is worlds largest and an open-source hosting platform, which offers software development version control to the users. It is cloud-based service that intend to help developers to manage and store their codes with an additional benefit to track and control changes to their code with full authority. Git can be used without Github but Github can’t be used without Git. GitHub’s interface is more user-friendly so even a level 1 coder can also use Git. Using Git without GitHub is little difficult.
This course is designed to teach you everything about Github from essential to advance level by giving online training from best university and IT experts who are enthusiast in Github. This course comes with 1 assignment, differnet learning materials, Instructor-led online training, Hands on practice and many more. IT Professionals, System Admins, Software Testers, Solutions Architects, etc, can go for this course.
DataOps certified professional course (DOCPC)

DataOps is a collaborative data management practice, really focused on
DataOps is a practice of collaboration between data engineers, data scientists, data analytics and other data professionals, to manage data and to focus on improvising communication, integration, and automation of data flow within customers and an organization. Basically it brings the whole data in a single place for better data management within your organization. With DataOps deployment and performing analysis can be done more easily and quickly. It uses statistical process control to observe and control the data analytics pipeline.
In this course we will teach you about DatOps concept, its origins, components, real-life applications, and ways to implement it by giving you online training from best IT expert trainers to make you skillful and professional in DataOps. It is one of the best emerging career right now and we will help you to build your career in it. This course comes with instructor-led online training, learning materials like slides, pdf’s, class recordings and many more, just to prepare you as a professional from all ways.
- makes process faster
- Real-time insights
- Identify errors quickly
- Recognized and collect data from all data sources.
- Automatically integrate new data into data pipelines
- Makes available collected data to all users.
- Centralize data and eliminate data silos.
Artificial Intelligence professional Course (AIPC)

Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science acts like a smart machines who can perform any task without human interferance through machine learning capabilities. Reactive Machines, Limited Memory, Theory of Mind, Self-Awareness are some types of Artificial intelligence. There are so many AI around us which we are using everyday but still few people are not aware of i.e, Siri, Alexa, Tesla, Google cortana, Google map, Google assistant, internet bots that gives you notifications.
Artificial interlligence is considered as most advanced and powerful technology in history.
In this course, you will be taught about Introduction of Artificial Intelligence, Data Science & Python, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Natural Language processing (NLP). This course is desgined to give you instructor-led online training to provide all the required knowledge and skills which you need to become a certified AI professional. we will provide you best AI enthusiast trainers who will teach you from basic to advance level. Different Learning materials, online training, class recordings, projects, and many more comes with this course to increase your knowledge from all ways.
- Automation
- Fast and Smart Decision Making
- Enhanced Customer Experience
- Solving Complex Problems
- Managing Repetitive Tasks
- Reduce Errors
- Increased Business Efficiency
- Reduce human toil
AiOps certified professional course (AOCP)

AiOps stands for artificial intelligence for IT operations and is introduced by Gartner in 2017. AIOps uses big data, advanced machine learning and other advanced analytics technologies to improve IT operations like monitoring, automation, problem solving, etc. There are two main components of AiOps is Big data and Machine learning. AiOps is more important for successful digital transformation and better business outcomes.
This course enables you to get trained on AiOps from best expert trainers to become a certified professional on AiOps with required skillsets and knowledge. It covers Introduction, Data collection and Normalization, Detection, Prediction and Trend Identification and like many more topics to increase your knowledge. Even though just to bring you more concentrated and interested in your training we will provide you different learning materials, class recordings, instructor-led online training, 24 hrs technical support and many more, that will keep you bossted and interested towards your studies.
- Eliminates human errors
- Saves time
- Enable automation
- Reacts to issues in real time
- Identify real time vulnerabiities
- Reduce downtime
- Improve operational functions
- Optimize skills and resources
- Control complexity
Machine Learning certified professional course (MLCP)

Machine Learning is a branch of artificial intelligence, that refers to the process by which computers develop pattern recognition or the capability to learn and make anticipations based on data and algorithms, then make decisions without being specifically programmed to do so and without human interferance. Machine learning is like a brain to AI who keeps AI updated and knowledgable. Basically it works like, it reads your history and decide according to that. In today’s era machine learning is one of the best option to make a career on, as world has converted into a data world and this job will be for longer time, that means the career is super and safe.
There are four major machine learning models –
- supervised learning
- unsupervised learning
- semi-supervised learning
- reinforcement learning
This course is designed to make your career in machine learning with required skills and knowledge by getting trained from best university and IT experts who are enthusiast in machine learning. It covers Introduction to Machine Learning, Linear Regression & Supervised Learning, Decision Tree and Random Forest, Deep Learning Introduction, and many more topics. This course comes with 24 Hrs technical support, projects, instructor-led online training, class recordings, and many more.
MlOps certified professional course (MOCP)
MLOps is stands for Machine Learning Operations, and also known as ModelOps. MLOps is a key function of Machine Learning, aims on streamlining the process of having machine learning models to production, and then managing and monitoring them proactively. MLOps is a collaborative function include data scientists, devops engineers, etc. MLOps is a useful approach for building and maintain the quality of machine learning and AI solutions. After getting adopted an MLOps approach, data scientists and machine learning engineers are able to collaborate and enhance the speed of model development and production by applying continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) practices with correct monitoring, confirmation, and administration of ML models.
This course is designed to introduce you MlOps concepts, methods by providing online training from IT expert trainers to give you required knowledge and skills. This course covers various topics like Introduction to ML workflow, Data Ingestion using TFX, Data Validation using TFDV, Model Training using TFX, etc. To get this course to be trained you should aware of basics of DevOps & Machine learning. Devops engineers, Data scientists, Data engineers, ML engineers, Data and Analytics Manager, Business Analysts, IT/Software Engineers, Model Risk Managers/Auditors can do this course. This course comes with instructor-led online training, class recordings, learing materials like pdf’s, project etc.
- Reduce time on data collection and data preparation
- Automate Model Building
- Accelerate the validation process
- Monitor and Re-train
- Experiment with real data
- Continuous innovation
- Easy deployment of high precision models
- Proper management of complete machine learning lifecycle
Docker Certified Associate course (DCA)

Docker is a software platform for building, shipping, testing, and running applications. Docker makes you able to segregate your applications from your infrastructure so you can deliver software more faster and quickly. Docker helps you managing the infrastructure in the same way you manage your application. It gives the capability to package and run an application in a container.
This course is designed to increase your container skills and technical knowledge of Docker with an industry-recognized certificate. By having this course you will be enabled to be part of our instructor-led online training to get trained by IT expert trainers through our well recognized institute. This course covers all required topics like Course Introduction, Course Introduction, Image Creation, Management, and Registry, etc. With this course you will get hands on practice on Docker with different learning materials, assignments, 24 Hrs technical support, class recordinga and many more. This course is for those aspirants who intend to have strong base into Docker and Container technologies.
- You will become an Expert
- You’ll be improved as a Developer especially a Cloud-local App Developer
Harshicorp Vault certified course (HVC)

HashiCorp Vault is a secrets management tool specifically designed to control access to sensitive credentials such as API encryption keys, passwords, or certificates in a low-trust environment. It can be used to store sensitive values and at the same time dynamically generate access for specific services/applications on lease. HashiCorp Vault can be used in different ways such as, Secret management, Identity-based access, Data encryption.
In other words, HashiCorp Vault helps organizations reduce the risk of breaches and data exposure with identity-based security automation and encryption-as-a-service.
This course is designed for Cloud Engineers specializing in security, development, or operations who know the basic concepts, skills, and use cases associated with open-source HashiCorp Vault. By having this course you will be trained online by IT expert trainers to get the required knowledge and skillsets to become a Hasicorp vault certified professional. This course covers all the required topics such as Install Vault, Starting the Server, Your First Secret, Secrets Engines, etc. You will learn from basic to advance level here.
- It provides an easy way to managing secret sprawl
- It allows dynamic secrets
- It’s open source
- It is self-hosted
- Centralizing Identity using HashiCorp Vault
- Automate all the Secrets
- Using Dynamic Credentials
- Encryption of Data
Harshicorp Consul certified course (HCC)

Consul is a service mesh solution offers a full featured control plane with service discovery, configuration, and segmentation functionality. Every single features of these can be used individually as required, or they can be used together to build a full service mesh. Consul solves the challenges that organizations from small to big encounter with microservices architectures. It needs a data plane and supports both a proxy and native integration model. Consul comes with a simple built-in proxy so that everything works out of the box, but it also supports 3rd party proxy integrations like Envoy. Consul also provides automation on network infrastructure, to decrease the time to deploy applications and eliminate manual processes by automating complex networking tasks.
This course is specifically designed for individuals who are new to Consul and are planning to implement the Consul in their organization and want to get an in-depth view of various topics and best practices and gain the official Consul certification. This course will enable to get trained online by IT industry recognized expert trainers to become a certified professional on Consul with required skills and knowledge. With this course, you will get instructor-led online training, class recordings, learning materials, 24 Hrs technical support and many more.
Splunk certified course

Splunk is an innovative technology which searches and indexes log files and helps organizations derive insights from the data. A main benefit of Splunk is that it uses indexes to store data, and so does not require a separate database to store its information. Splunk is used for monitoring and searching through big data. It indexes and correlates information in a container that makes it searchable, and makes it possible to generate alerts, reports and visualizations.
This course includes the complete aspects of Splunk developer and Splunk administration. Also helps you to get trained from IT expert trainers by online through our institute. This course covers various topics like introduction to Splunk, Setting up the Splunk Environment, Basic Searching Techniques, Enterprise Splunk Architecture, and many more. With this course you will get instructor-led online training, class recordings, learning materials, assignments, etc.
Benefits of Splunk
- Conducts specific searches
- Recognize and resolve issues upto 70% faster
- Decreases costly escalations by upto 90%
- Splunk converts complex logs to visual graphs and reports resulting simplified analysis,reporting and troubleshooting
- Simple to implement and scale
- Continuously index all of your IT data in real time
- Automatically find useful information embedded in the data.
- Proactively review the IT systems to cut off server downtimes and security incidents before they arise.
Newrelic certified courses
New Relic is an Application Performance Management (APM) tool that is used for application monitoring. The idea is to increase productivity and minimize downtime by monitoring application statistics that shows overall application performance. Managing modern web applications needs to focus on small details because often these small things come together that directly-indirectly affect the user experience. The New Relic disclose these parameters so that developers and site owners can take appropriate actions which is necessary to improve the performance of WordPress sites. The new Relic collects and stores metrics and data from web-based and other associated applications within the organization.
In this course, you will learn About Newrelic concepts and methods and also enable you to get trained online from IT expert trainers to bring you the required knowledge and skills. This course covers all the required topics like Introduction, Installing and Configuring NewRelic APM Agents for Application, Working with NewRelic Dashboard, Monitoring using Newrelic, etc. Our institute brings you so many ways to help you in studying and become professional such as instructor-led online training, class recordings, assignments, learning materials and many more.
Benefits of Newrelic
- Easy-to-set-up real-time instrumentation and analytics
- Flexible instrumentation and dashboarding
- Correlates application performance to end-user experience
- Connects application and infrastructure performance
- Rich and detailed transaction data
- Real-time error analysis
- Integration with DevOps tooling
- Built to scale
Google cloud platform course (GCP)

GCP is a cloud computing services like AWS and Micorsoft Azure and it runs on the same infrastructure that Google uses internally for its end-user products. It enables us to use our computer resources in all over the world that is stored in Google’s data centers for free or on a pay-per-use basis. Google Cloud Platform provides infrastructure as a service, platform as a service, and serverless computing environments. Users can run so varities of services such as compute, storage, machine learning, CDN, Big data, databases, IoT (Internet of Things), security, applications and many more at affordable costs.
This course is designed to teach you everything about GCP through online training from our IT recognized expert trainers who are keen to teach the enthusiast like them. We will help you to become a cetified GCP professional to get achieve you career goal and to have to better future. This course covers various topics like Introducing Google Cloud Platform, Getting started with Google Cloud Platform, Google App Engine and Cloud Datastore etc. Here you will be taught from basic to advance level.
Benefits of GCP
- Cheap price than other competitors
- It is very fast
- It offers live migration of applications
- It offers high productivity, quick collaboration and high security
- Private Global Fiber Network
- Improved Performance
- Dedication to Continued Expansion
- Unnecessary Backups
SonarQube certified courses

SonarQube is a Code Quality examine tool that collects and analyzes source code and give reports for the code quality. It combines static and dynamic analysis tools and enables quality to be measured continuously over time. Everything from minor styling choices, to errors inspection are decided by SonarQube. Keeping code clean, simple, and easy to read is also a key point and easier with SonarQube. It supports 25+ major programming languages through built-in rulesets and is able to be extended with various plugins.
In this course you will start or advance your career with Sonarqube take your future in brighter side. This course will enable you to get trained from IT and university recognized expert trainers to gain the required skillsets and knowledge to become a certified professional of Sonarqube. Here you will be learnt from basic to advance level. It covers various topics of Introduction to SonarQube, Undertanding Various License of SonarQube, Architecture of SonarQube, and many more. This course comes with many benefits like instructor-led online training, class recordings, assignments, learning materials and many more.
Benefits of Sonarqube
- Detects And Alerts
- Raise Quality
- Sustainability
- Productivity
- Increase Developer Skills
- Scale With Business Needs
- Enable Continuous Code Quality Management
- Faster Innovation
- Reduce Risk with Vendor Support and Services
Python certified course

Python is one of the most popular and widely used programming languages in the world. It’s used in everything from machine learning to building websites and software testing, automate tasks, and conduct data analysis. Python is a general-purpose language, means it can be used to build a variety of different programs and isn’t designed for any specific problems. This versatility, along with its beginner-friendliness, has made it one of the most disirable and used programming languages in current time. Python has a simple syntax same as English language. It runs on an interpreter system, means the code can be executed as soon as it is written. This means prototyping can be very fast.
This course is designed to interact you with most simple and widely used programming language. we will help you to get trained on Python by IT industry recognized expert trainers to get the required skills and knowledge. It covers various topics like Intoduction, Structure of a Python script,
Structure of a Python script, Using variables, About flow control and many more. This course comes with instructor-led online training, class recordings, assignments, learning materials and many more.
Benefits of Python
- Easy to Read, Learn and Write
- Improved Productivity.
- Interpreted Language
- Free and Open-Source
- Extensive Libraries Support
- Object-Oriented
- Less Coding
AWS Cloud course

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the world’s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform, offering over 200 fully featured services from data centers globally. It provides scalable and cost-effective cloud computing solutions. AWS is a broadly adopted cloud platform that offers several on-demand operations like compute power, database storage, content delivery, etc., to help corporates scale and grow. some of the most common applications of AWS are – Storage and Backup, Websites, Gaming, Gaming, Mobile, Web and Social Applications. It offers Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (Paas) and Software as a Service (Saas) together.
This course is designed to help you get trained from IT expert trainers to get all required skills and knowledge to become a certified professional to AWS cloud computing. It covers various topics of AWS Fundamentals and EC2, Identity Access Management (IAM), EC2 & Getting Setup, S3, and many more. This course comes with instructor-led online training, class recordings, assignments, learning materials and many more.
Benefits of AWS
- Security
- Global Availability
- Scalability and Flexibility
- Little Investment
- Easy to use
- Cost-Effective