Post – 5 

Advanatges of Fortify SCA Analyzer (SCA) uses multiple algorithms and an expansive knowledge base of secure coding rules to analyze an application’s source code for exploitable vulnerabilities. This technique analyzes every feasible path that execution and data can follow to identify and remediate vulnerabilities. 1.flexible 3.fix easier 4.Reduce development time and cost and accurate scanning

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Post – 6 OpenShift

OpenShift gives organizations the ability to build, deploy, and scale applications faster both on-premises and in the cloud. It also protects your development infrastructure at scale with enterprise-grade security. OpenShift provide online and telephone support as well as an array of online video tutorials and forum support.

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Post – 5

What is Chef? Chef in DevOps is an automation tool. It is a Configuration Management (CM) tool that lets you automate processes and tasks across numerous servers and other devices of an organization in simple steps. Such a framework is highly beneficial to a company. 10 Advantage of Chef? Automation of cloud server Managing servers with ease Deployment of servers at faster pace. Best consistency – all the machines have same cloud running. Scalability Speed and accuracy Integrating cloud technology Effective risk

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Post-3 Terraform

What is terraform? Terraform is a tool which is used to write a code for infrastructure and it allows to programmatically provision the physical resources an application requires to run. This helps to manages the application infrastructure through programming. It is used to automate the provisioning of your cloud resources. Terraform is an open-source, cloud-agnostic provisioning tool developed by HashiCorp and written in GO language. One example terraform program. resource “github_repository” “Sample” {name = “Proj1”description = “My first project”

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Post – 3 Kubernetes

What is kubernetes? Kubernetes manages the containers. It is a open open-source container orchestration system for managing, automating and software deployment. It manages multiple docker hosts which contains containers. It is written in Go Programming language. It was developed by google and donated to CNCF. 5 reasons of using kubernetes Scalability Elasticity Multi-cloud capability Portability and Flexibility Reduces cost Each kubernetes Components & write 2-3 mins about each one of them. Etcd : Etcd is a distributed key-value store of

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What is Docker ? Docker is an open-source containerization technology that allows you to create, distribute, and execute software without relying on your local or remote infrastructure. It is a platform for creating and managing containers that are isolated from one another but can communicate via defined channels. The docker platform lets developers and programmers seamlessly throughout their workspace. Whether you are an in-house or remote team with members around the world, using docker to ship and run your containers

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What is DevOps?

DevOps is a combination of Development and Operations. It is a culture and mindset that need to be adopted by the software people i.e., Business people , Development people and Operation people. It can also be called as a combination of Agile and Operations. The main objective of DevOps is to provide a quality product to the end user in a short period of time. In the earlier technologies there is a communication difference between the development team and operation

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