How can we become Certified Cloud bees Jenkins Engineer (CCJE)?

What is cloud bees Jenkins? As your business needs changes then want your team needs to adapt and create the best experience for your customers. Cloud bees Jenkins platform is a solution of two items are continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) which extends the Jenkins process. It is developed for on-context installations. With cloud bees Jenkins enterprise, they have simplified the user experience to make it easier to manage Jenkins for faster delivery. It helps to manage hike

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How can we become Certified Jenkins Engineers (CJE)?

What is a Jenkins? Friends as you already know that software development is a very huge and heavy process. There are so many innumerable moving parts of it. In order to improve the development process, we utilize the methodology of DevOps and its tools. In DevOps, there are so many phases. This is one of the most favorable phases as continuous integration which is willing to help you in coming all together with the parts of software development and manages

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How to Scale Microservices CI/CD Pipelines As opposed to a traditional monolith, microservices architecture can theoretically bring many benefits. Microservices decouple software elements, enable reusable components and allow independent development cycles. However, in practice, microservices are prone to many issues. or example, teams accustomed to a traditional monolithic build process may find it difficult to reshape their established practices. Furthermore, as the number of microservices increases into the hundreds, managing separate CI/CD pipelines for each service becomes untenable, especially as DevOps components aren’t always optimized

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For Cloud-Native Applications, Testing In Production Goes From Punchline To Best Practice As software takes over more of IT, developers are taking more ownership of related parts of software delivery, and moving faster. In this shifting reality, with increasing velocity and complexity, more software can mean more risk. However, beyond the linear increase in risk, it is also the very nature of risk that is changing. In the very recent past, developers would work on monolithic applications, which meant that the scope and rate of change were more manageable. If developers

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