
A Complete Beginners Guide of Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC)

What is Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC)? Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a process employed by the software industry. It helps to style, develop and test top quality software. it’s a technique which has clearly defined processes for creating low-cost and high-quality software. It provides a well-structured flow of phases which help a corporation to supply high-quality software quickly which is well-tested and prepared for production use. Why do we need SDLC?   A system development life cycle helps to minimize the complexity of developing a system from scratch. It’s important to possess an SDLC in situ because it helps to rework the thought of

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Revealed: The reasons why forward-thinking tech companies are going Agile As companies start to learn from each other’s tech disasters the move to Agile has quickened. This has left traditional testing services in a tricky position. In this case, study piece, Adam Pettman breaks down how testing as an integral and pivotal part of the DevOps process can sometimes be forgotten about and in some cases lead to major incidents and how they should be implemented with more care and diligence by organisations that wish to launch their products

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Agile Development Tools Market Is Booming Worldwide | Active Collab, JIRA Agile, Agile Bench, Pivotal Tracker, Telerik TeamPulse, VersionOne, Planbox, LeanKit Global Agile Development Tools Market report showcases qualitative and quantitative estimation by industry analysts, first-hand data, and assistance from industry experts along with each industry manufacturers by the market valuation. Agile Development Tools report also gives an extensive analysis of market share, latest industry trends and forecast data analysis with respecto sales revenue, market growth, and demand and supply scenario. Agile Development Tools provides valuable insights about your students, allowing you to nurture stronger and more personal relationships with

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Next-gen computing: Oracle Cloud makes business smart and agile

Source:- financialexpress.comThe Redwood City, California-based business software maker is also now offering to support its workloads running on VMware, and will also allow customers to run VMware workloads in its cloud while retaining full administrative access.Most of the corporate world now understands the benefits of cloud computing—it enables flexible pay-as-you-go IT deployment for companies. Oracle’s Generation 2 Cloud Infrastructure provides not only the basic building blocks companies need—many compute options, reliable storage, fast networking – but also advanced capabilities including

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Agile Deserves The Hype, But It Can Also Fail: How To Avoid The Pitfalls

Source :- ‘Agile’ has earned its place in the business lexicon: it’s no buzzword or passing craze. For almost two decades, it’s been helping companies of all sizes free themselves from the inflexibility of traditional ‘top down’ hierarchies and rigid long-term planning. You’ll hear talk of ‘squads’, ‘chapters’ and ‘tribes’ and, while there are different flavors of agile, there are also tropes: agile organizations work in short sprints–meaning they can be fluid and responsive to customer demands–and teams are empowered

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3 new DevOps lessons learned

Source- IT workers sometimes live in fear and too often loathe their jobs. Look no further than last year’s testimony by the former Equifax CEO as a reason why. He blamed a single IT worker for the company’s unprecedented data breach. That explains the fear, and his $90 million exit package may explain some of the loathing. But there is light and hope on the horizon, and that was on full display at the DevOps Enterprise Summit (DOES) this year. Here are three of my takeaways:

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Jenkins Configuration as Code eases dev and admin woes

Source- DevOps might be a relatively new paradigm, but some of its core components need a refresh to support even more modern development requirements. With that in mind, CloudBees, a CI/CD platform provider, recently delivered version 1.0 of a Jenkins plug-in that cuts complexity when it comes to managing Jenkins configurations for system administrators and developers. Jenkins Configuration as Code (JCasC) lets admins and developers define and manage their Jenkins configurations in human-readable, plain text YAML syntax, instead of verbose XML files, and

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Compuware brings agile and DevOps to the mainframe

Source- A majority of enterprises are running their mission-critical apps on the mainframe, but a lack of mainframe expertise is getting in the way of successful development and deployment. A recent study from Forrester revealed 64 per cent of enterprises plan to run more than half their critical app solutions on the mainframe, but only 37 per cent have been able to keep up with the mainframe workforce demand. To ease the pain, Compuware is updating its zAdviser solution

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How DevOps and Agile are influencing automation in business

Source- From its humble beginnings in the software development world, Agile has now grown into the gold standard for project management and product development. Originally, Agile was a useful technique used in the IT and operations space to break down larger projects into smaller, more manageable components. As a result, the methodology has yielded shorter production times, reduced risk, and high-quality products. Agile formed the foundation upon which the world of DevOps emerged. Many people look at DevOps vs Agile as if these

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8 ways Artificial Intelligence can improve DevOps

Source – DevOps combines development and operations in an agile manner. ITOps refers to network infrastructure, computer operations, and device management. AIOps is artificial intelligence applied to ITOps, a term coined by Gartner. Makes us wonder what AI applied to DevOps would look like. Currently, there are some problem areas in DevOps that mainly revolve around data. Namely, accessing the large pool of data, taking actions on it, managing alerts etc. Moreover, there are errors caused by human intervention. AI works heavily with data and can help improve DevOps in numerous

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DevOps – Your 3-step Transformation Journey

Source – Greek philosopher, Heraclitus once said, “The only thing constant is change.” Today’s DevOps transformation is a prime example. The DevOps model aims at unifying software development (Dev) with software operations (Ops) so that everyone can better work together across the entire development lifecycle. As businesses search for the best ways to digitally transform, DevOps is at the center of it all – and it’s driving a constant state of change. As organizations all over the world adjust to

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When DevOps and ITSM Collide: Mistakes to Avoid

Source – In many ways the DevOps movement evolved as a reaction against the worst elements of IT service management (ITSM). IT leaders wanted to get from under the yoke of overly complex processes, bureaucracy and red tape to speed up software delivery, and to just get stuff done. Now that DevOps has kicked into full gear at so many organizations, the question remains: What do we do about ITSM? While the instinct in some may be to completely ditch

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Blow Up Your Silos: DevOps Makes Working Together More Efficient

Source – DevOps helps companies achieve their goals more quickly with agile methods and automated processes. It’s about methods that do away with silo structures and bring teams together. DevOps also is about tools that help increase the quality of products and services, shorten development times and accelerate the time to market for a product. Why is that important? Because customer demands regarding speed have increased significantly, markets are becoming more dynamic and global competition is becoming tougher. I am

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How to be a stronger DevOps leader: 9 tips

Source – How do you make DevOps grow and thrive within your organization? We recently looked at the special traditions and meaningful rituals that rally people around agile ways of working. But even the best breakfast tacos won’t make a difference if you don’t have a solid strategy in place to scale DevOps in your organization. IT leaders and DevOps experts tell us that key considerations around talent, measurement, vision, and IT culture are the real secrets to taking DevOps to the next level.

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5 practices that make a DevOps leader

Source  – In order for automation to be successful with DevOps, teams must track quality throughout development and deployment, according to a Forrester study released Monday. Commissioned by continuous testing company Tricentis, the research studied 94 quality metrics placed into four categories, said the press release. To be successful, DevOps leaders need to understand the business risks associated with both DevOps and Agile use, said the press release. Additionally, DevOps leaders either focus on contextual metrics or counting metrics, and some measure

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Agile Stacks Partners with CloudBees to Accelerate DevOps Automation

Source – Agile Stacks today announced that it is partnering with CloudBees™ through the CloudBees Elevate Partner Program. As the hub of enterprise DevOps, CloudBees provides companies with smarter automation solutions and insights for accelerating software development. Meanwhile, Agile Stacks delivers the all-in-one, non-opinionated GitOps automation service, which is reinventing how enterprises implement services and applications to support the agility, scalability and reliability required for today’s digital businesses. Together, CloudBees and Agile Stacks enable mutual customers to accelerate their time-to-market by rapidly and

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Developing services with DevOps & legacy components

Source – DevOps methodology, tools and techniques are increasingly being used to provide services which will need to integrate with core legacy applications and, for those providing a robust end-to-end service using DevOps and legacy, it is sure to be a challenge. While we focus on DevOps and agile developments and explore the opportunities afforded to us by these techniques and the tools that support them – unless you are working in a start-up – most organisations will have legacy systems that

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Applying DevOps and agile to embedded testing

Source – When people talk about testing, it generally applies to all types of software testing. However, if you look at a bit more in detail, there are some areas of testing that claim their own space and embedded testing is one of them. It is an area that deserves to be treated as a specific case due to the particularities of the requirements and of the skills needed. With the evolution of the development and testing practices towards agile

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3 Cultural Considerations in IT Modernization

Source – The Office of Management and Budget recently set the stage for IT modernization across the federal government with the Modernizing Government Technology Act, allowing agencies to apply for funds needed to update their outdated systems. Moreover, the 2018 President’s Management Agenda identifies the number one cross-agency priority goal as IT modernization. It’s high time. In recent years, at least two-thirds of the federal IT budget is funneled to operations and maintenance of outdated IT systems—some that are older than the employees tasked with their

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IBM celebrates 10 years of DevOps with new releases

Source – Over the past decade, DevOps techniques have helped to transform software development teams with a new and more agile approach. But now companies are starting to move beyond the standard DevOps approach in what is being called ‘Day 2’ DevOps, a world that emphasizes scalability and teamwork. In such environments, development teams shift one way, operations teams shift the other and together they can deliver and manage multiple, complex applications at the same time. In order to meet

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