Open Shift

1)What is Openshift Open Shift is a cloud development Platform as a Service hosted by Red Hat. Itā€™s an open source cloud-based platform used to create, test, and run applications, and finally deploy them on cloud. Open Shift is capable of managing applications written in different languages, such as Node.js, Ruby, Python, Perl, and Java. One of the key features of Open Shift is it is extensible, which helps the users support the application written in other languages. It is

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Chef Introduction

1)What is Chef A chef is an open-source configuration management tool that uses Ruby to develop essential building blocks like recipes and cookbooks. It is an automation tool that converts infrastructure to code. It focuses on writing code instead of using the manual process. This feature enables Chef to manage and configure multiple systems with ease. The code can be tested and continuously deployed using Chef.   2)10 Advantage of Chef Accelerating Software Delivery Accelerating cloud Adoption Manage Datacenters A streamlined IT operation workflow Continuous

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Terraform Assingment

1)what is terraform Terraform isĀ an open source ā€œInfrastructure as Codeā€ tool. It is used by DevOps teams to automate infrastructure tasks. It is used to define and provision the complete infrastructure using an easy-to-learn declarative language. It is an infrastructure provisioning tool where you can store your cloud infrastructure setup as codes.Ā  2)example terraform program provider “github” {token = “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”owner = “vunnava-reshma”} resource “github_repository” “example” {name = “reshma”description = “My awesome codebase “ visibility = “public”} 3)List of 5 terraform

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Kubernetes Assingment

1)What is kubernetes Kubernetes is open-source orchestration software for deploying, managing, and scaling containers. The purpose of kubernetes is to host our application in the form of containers in an automated fashion. We can easily deploy as many instances of our appilcation as required and easily enable communication between different services witin our application. 2)Five reasons of using kuberenetes Improved scalability and availability Multi-cloud flexibility. IT cost optimization.Ā  Faster time to market Its open source. 3)Each kubernetes Components Kubernetes cluster—->

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Docker Assingment

1)what is Docker Docker is an open source platform for managing containers. It enables developers to package applications into containers. this platform makes the task easier, simpler and safe to build, deploy and manage the containers. Docker is essentially a tool kit that enables developers to build, deploy, run, update, and stop containers using simple commands and work saving automation through a single API. As, a result, container technology offers all the functionality and benefits of VMs including application isolation,

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DevOps topics in my words

1)What is DevOps: DevOps is the combination of software development and IT operations. It’s primary goal is to reduce the development lifecycle by providing continuous delivery with the quality software. DevOps follows the unique culture ,practices and tools which helps to deliver applications with high speed. 2)Ten Advantages In DevOps: By using devops we can able to deliver the software with high quality in less time unites team for faster product shipments simplifies development focus supports end-end responsibilities communication integration

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