
*What is Docker?

Docker is a fully independent application run time environment, which helps applications package into containers. docker is a software development platform which helps in running various environment testings . once dockers are formed it manages in creating, starting, stop and pause, unpause and also removing the containers .docker uses operating system libraries to deliver software.docker makes packaging process easier and also building, shipping along with deploying software .it helps to work across applications.dockers can be deployed in virtual servers or clouds also

See the source image
See the source image

*What is Container?

these are instances of docker images .it bundles application’s code and related libraries and configuration files which are necessary for the software.Containers are fast and small because they get the features and resources of the host OS.

A Docker container is a standardized, encapsulated environment that runs applications.Docker Container is a standardized unit which can be created on the fly to deploy a particular application or environment.containers help to deploy the application in various environment testing with no or little modification.

See the source image

*What are top 5 advantage of Docker?

-easy to deploy along with portable,fast

-efficient management in various environment

-continuous integration

-ability for debugging

-moving the container from environment to other environment

-consistent environment and reduced it infrastructure

* What are top 10 commands you used today and oneline explnations.

1.docker ps -list of all containers in the machine

2.docker rm eed09d3f6193 -removing this container from list of containers

3.docker inspect 65400e443ee0 -to access container from outside using ip address

4.apt-get install git-to install git

5.docker commit -m”ub-up-git-ap-java” -a “rajesh Kumar” 76e6a965fb86 ramukaka -this gives information for which changes are done inside container along with author ,container id and new name for the container

6.sudo systemctl start docker -for starting the docker

7.docker pause eed09d3f6193 -to pause the running container port

8.docker run -itd ubuntu -to get image related to ubuntu

9.docker cp 76e6a965fb86:/opt -to copy the file into opt file in container

10.docker create httpd -create new images with unique container ids

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