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what is docker?
Docker is an open source containerization stage. It empowers engineers to bundle applications into containers—standardized executable components combining application source code with the working framework (OS) libraries and conditions required to run that code in any environment.

what is container?
A container could be a commonplace unit of package that packages up code and every one its dependencies therefore the application runs quickly and faithfully from one computing atmosphere to a different.

Portability of software easily
Cost effective usage of resources
top 10 commands
Docker info- it displays the images, number of containers and version of docker
Docker images-Displays the number of images
Docker ps-List of runnimg containers
Docker start container- to start container
Docker rm CONTAINER- removes the container
Docker pause CONTAINER- pauses the running of container
Docker unpause CONTAINER- to restart the running of container
Docker exec -it CONTAINER bash- To enter inside the container
Docker inspect CONTAINER- detailed information on constructs controlled by Docker.
Docker run itd ubuntu – to run ubuntu in docker