Day-5 Assignment # 1 – Chef Intro

1) What is Chef? A) Chef is a configuration management tool which helps to resolve the issue by treating infrastructure as code. Rather than changing anything manually. It transforms infrastructure in to code to automate server deployment. 2)10 Advantages of Chef? A) Increasing software development changes with respect to new requirements. Increases risk management. Manages both cloud environments and data centers. Delivering all infrastructure continuously. High scalability. Consistency. Easily integrates with any type of cloud environments. It also performs automated

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Day-4 Assignment

1) What is terraform? A) Terraform is a tool which is used to write a code for infrastructure and it allows to programmatically provision the physical resources an application requires to run. This helps to manages the application infrastructure through programming. 2)  One example terraform program. A) resource “github_repository” “Sample” {name = “Proj1”description = “My first project” visibility = “public”} provider github { token=”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” owner=”Organization” } 3) List of 5 terraform commands and its use A) terraform init – It

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Day-3 Assignment

1) What is Kubernetes? A) Kubernetes is a containers orchestration which manages large number of docker host containers. It is developed by google and later donated to CNCF(Cloud Native Computing Foundation). It is a open source platform for managing containers workloads and serrvices. 2) 5 reasons of using Kubernetes. A) Scalability Better management Very useful for open source projects with less cost. It allows to allocate container applications as of our choice. It responds to need of applications running at

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Day-2 Assignment

1) What is Docker?  A) Docker is a tool, which helps the developers to merge the applications in to a single container. It is used to create and manages the containers. It can be used to execute the applications in many environments. It is just like virtual machines but different from that. Using the containers in docker we can run them on same hardware. A) Container is a package it consists of all dependencies like java, git, apache, etc… which

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Day-1 Assignment

1)What is DevOps? Devops means Development team and Operational team working as a team Devops is a culture which all teams in software lifecycle would be as a team and make an application in productive and efficient manner. This type of mindset or culture would helps continuous delivery and also helps to fix the issues in short period of time. It is the further improvement workflow after agile workflow. In agile there is only Business and development team would be

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