Day-5 Assignment # 1 – Chef Intro

1) What is Chef?

A) Chef is a configuration management tool which helps to resolve the issue by treating infrastructure as code. Rather than changing anything manually. It transforms infrastructure in to code to automate server deployment.

2)10 Advantages of Chef?


  1. Increasing software development changes with respect to new requirements.
  2. Increases risk management.
  3. Manages both cloud environments and data centers.
  4. Delivering all infrastructure continuously.
  5. High scalability.
  6. Consistency.
  7. Easily integrates with any type of cloud environments.
  8. It also performs automated testing to detect any compliance issues.
  9. Continuous deployment.
  10. Increasing service resiliency.

3)How to install Chef Workstation?

A) Step-1:- In command prompt firstly execute the “wget” this cmd.

Step-2:- After that run this “rpm -ivh chef-workstation-22.5.923-1.el7.x86_64.rpm” for installing packages of chef.

Step-3:- Check chef version

Step-4:-check chef

Step-4:-Installation completed…!

4)One Example Program of Recipe?

A) Program of recipe

file ‘My first program’ do

content “This my first recipe”

mode 755

owner “Aswitha”


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