Assignment # 1 – Chef Intro

What is Chef? Chef is an automation tool . chef uses pure ruby, domain specific language for writing system configuration . It transform infrastructure in to code to a automate server deployment. Advantage of Chef? faster deployment Risk management Manage cloud as well as data center High scability Easy integration How to install Chef Workstation? wget One Example Program of Recipe? file ‘/opt/content.txt’ do content “This is my first program of chef” mode 755 owner “janu” end

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Day 4

1.What is terraform? It is an open source infrastructure as code software tool. this helps to manage the application infrastructure -programming 2.One example terraform program resource “github_repository” “sample” {name = “example” description = “code” visibility=”public”} 3.List of 5 terraform commands and its use terraform init —- initialize a working directory terraform plan—show changes required and execution plan terraform apply—-create or update terraform show—-shows the terraform state or plan terraform destroy—destroy previously created one

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Day 3

What is kubernetes? Open source platform used for managing and maintaining and deploying a group of containers. used to manage multiple docker host that is container. Designed by google but it is maintained by the cloud native computing foundation . 5 reasons of using kubernetes Scalability and portable high availability can run in any platform(developed in go) better application development open source and flexible Each kubernetes Components kubelet : Responsible for conveying and passing information from the api server. It

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Day 2 Docker

1..Docker allows user to create , deploy and run applications managing software packages called containers It allows to break down application into small services. It is an open platform for developing, and running applications. 2…containers fully independent APP Run time environment create – start – stop – restart – kill – start – pause – un pause -Stop – Remove it simplify the build, test, deploy pipelines have isolated libraries to run the application 3….Advantages i. Ability to run anywhere

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1…Combination of Development and Operations teams work together across the whole software application life cycle designed to deliver applications and services faster than before traditional software development process. A Continuous Loop flow -feedback-continuous learning 2…..Advantages 1.Faster Feedback 2. Faster Development 3.workflow within organization is fast works effectively 5.High Availability 6.Better customer satisfaction 7.Delivers faster 8.Increase in productivity 9.High software quality 10.Better Collaboration 3….Tools 1.Docker 2.github 3.Jenkins 4.Maven 5.kubernetes 6.Junit 7.puppet 8.splunk 9.Ansible 10.chef Through all these Business—Development —operations 1.Plan

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