Assignment 2 by Nallagatla Sarvani [ 24-05-2022]

What is Docker ?

Docker is a container that communicate and configure files with each other through some defined channels, it is used in automation projects. Docker reduces time in deployment and make easy for the developer to build, run and test the process.

What is Container?

Container is a set of packages used to run the application quickly and reliable. Containers make sure that it works uniformly even there might be some variations in instances between developing. Containers are standard, secure and light weight

What are top 5 advantage of Docker?


Reduces cost and time


Deployment velocity


Commands Used in 24-05-2022 Session

  • docker start : starts already stopped containers.
  • docker stop  : stops running containers
  • docker info  : shows system-wide information
  • docker ps  : lists various properties of containers
  • docker restart  : stops and starts a container
  • docker pull  : pulls an image or a repository from your local registry
  • docker history : Displays the history of an image
  • docker rm : removes containers
  • docker rmi  : removes images
  • docker exec : Runs a command in a container that is active or running.
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