Day2-Assignment by Dasari Sowmya

1) What is Docker?

Docker is a tool for managing containers.

Docker is tool for creating, sharing and running individual containers.

Docker is a software platform that allows you to build, test, and deploy applications quickly.

Everything we need for development can simply run on Docker engine as containers

Dockers lightweight and portability nature makes it easy to dynamically manage workloads.

Image result for what is docker

2)What is Container?

Container is fully independent APP run time environment.

A container is a standard unit of software that packages up code and all its dependencies so that application runs quickly and reliably from one operating system to other.

Managing means we can create -> start -> stop -> restart -> remove -> pause -> un-pause etc.

A container is a runnable instance of an image

Docker containers provide a portable and lightweight environment for deploying applications.

See the source image

3) What are the top 5 advantages of Docker?

  • Docker environment are highly secure. Applications running in docker containers are isolated from each other.
  • Docker containers can move in multi-cloud environments
  • Docker increases the speed of CI/CD pipeline
  • Docker enables to run applications in minimal costs compared to other VMs.
  • Simplicity and faster configurations.

4) What are the top 10 commands used today?

  • curl -fsSL -o , sudo sh [ to install Docker]
  • docker exec -it 5656787989 bash [to get into the container]
  • docker inspect 6776887897 [to access the container using ip address]
  • docker run -d -p 81:80 httpd [port forwarding]
  • apt-get install git [installing git inside a container]
  • apt-get install apache2 [installing apache2 inside a container]
  • docker create httpd [to create a container]
  • docker start 657889980 [to start the container]
  • docker ps -a [to list all the containers]
  • exit [to come out of the container]
  • docker rm 766789990 [to remove the container]

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