Day 5-Assignment2

What is Openshift? Open Shift is a cloud development Platform as a Service hosted by Red Hat. It’s an open source cloud-based platform used to create, test, and run applications, and finally deploy them on cloud. Open Shift is capable of managing applications written in different languages, such as Node.js, Ruby, Python, Perl, and Java. One of the key features of Open Shift is it is extensible, which helps the users support the application written in other languages. It is

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Day 5 Assignment-1

What is Chef Chef is an automation tool that provides a way to define infrastructure as code. Infrastructure as code simply means that managing infrastructure by writing code rather than using manual processes. It can also be termed as programmable infrastructure. Chef uses a pure-Ruby, domain-specific language. 10 Advantages of Chef Accelerating Software Delivery. Increasing Service Resiliency. Improving Risk Management. Accelerating Cloud Adoption. Manage Cloud as well as Data Center. A streamlined IT operations and workflow. Helps to manage both

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what is terraform Terraform is a tool which is used to write a code for infrastructure and it allows to programmatically provision the physical resources an application requires to run. it works across all the cloud providers at the same time.Terraform’s direct competitors like cloudFormation,which work primarly with a single cloud provider only.This helps to manages the application infrastructure through programming. One example terraform program resource “github_repository” “Sample” {name = “Proj1”description = “My first project” visibility = “public”} provider github

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Assignment 3

What is kubernetes? Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration system for automating,scaling, managing and software deployment. Kubernetes also known as k8.and the tools is very portable,extensible for managing containerized workloads and services. 5 reasons of using kubernetes portability and flexibility multi cloud capability Increased developer productivity Kubernets has elobarate security precautions Optimizing the It costs Each kubernetes Components & write 2-3 mins about each one of them. API server:All the services like managing resources and functionalities handled in api server.

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Assignment 2

What is docker Docker is a containerization platform which we can build the applications and deploy the code.and it is an open source enables developers to package applications into the containers. Docker applications run in containers that can be used on any of the system.It is a platform for creating and managing containers that are isolated from one another but can communicate via defined channels. using docker to ship and run your containers is a low-cost way of building software

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Assignment 1

 What is DevOps Devops is a team work that combines development and operations for effective development of a project.and gives security to software development and delivery compared to traditional process. Top 10 Advantage of Devops: –>Improved collabration and communication–>Its a good organizational Culture–>Increase product quality–>Fastest production deployement–>Reduction in risk–>Rapid growth in bussiness values–>Technical scalability is high–>best in continous integration and delivery–>Scope is high for innovation and improvance–>Convinience in security maintenance Top 10 Tools used in DevOps –>Docker–>kubernetes–>selenium–>GitLab–>Microsoft Azure–>GitLab–>Nagios–>Jenkins–>Gradle–>Jira How to

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