DAY-2 DevOps Assignment

1.What is Docker? – 5 lines with 1 images

Docker is a Managing Container and is an open source containerization platform. Docker is an application build and deployment tool. It is based on the idea of that you can package your code with dependencies into a deployable unit called a container. Containers have been around for quite some time.
For example think of the shipping containers used for intermodal shipping. You put your package (code and dependencies) in the container, ship it using a boat or train (laptop or cloud) and when it arrives at its destination it works (runs) just like it did when it was shipped.

2. What is Container?

A Container is an FULLY independent APP Run time environment. And container is a standard unit of software that packages up code and all its dependencies so the application runs quickly and reliably from one computing environment to another. Container Workflow
create -> start -> stop -> restart -> kill -> start -> pause -> un pause -> Stop -> Remove

3. What are top 5 advantage of Docker?

  • Consistent and Isolated Environment
  • Cost-effectiveness with Fast Deployment
  • Mobility – Ability to Run Anywhere
  • Repeatability and Automation
  • Test, Roll Back and Deploy
  • Flexibility
  • Collaboration, Modularity and Scaling.

4. What are top 10 commands you used today and one line explanation.

docker create httpd –> creates a httpd container
docker pull httpd –> pulls httpd docker image from docker hub
docker run -d httpd –> is used to run the container in the detached mode.
docker ps –>it displays running containers.
docker ps -a –> onlyshows running containers by default
docker inspect –>inspect provides detailed information on constructs controlled by Docker
docker rm –> deletes a container
docker images –>Docker images are templates used for building containers.
docker exec -it ls –>lists filesystem inside the container
docker exec -it bash –>create a new bash session inside container.

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