TDP DevOps – Day 5 Assignment 3

5 Advantage of Fortify SCA? Fortify is a sophisticated automation and orchestration solution that may help you manage your configurations. Configuration management can be aided by job automation. Fortify checks the code and eliminates the possibility of bugs. It aids in the resolution of security challenges. Effective deployment of an application

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TDP DevOps – Day 5 Assignment 2

What is OpenShift? OpenShift is a Red Hat-hosted cloud development Platform as a Service (PaaS). It’s an open source cloud-based user-friendly platform for developing, testing, and running apps before deploying them to the cloud. OpenShift can manage apps developed in a variety of languages, including Node.js, Ruby, Python, Perl, and Java. One of OpenShift’s most important characteristics is its extensibility, which allows users to support applications written in various languages.

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TDP DevOps – Day 5 Assignment 1

1)What is Chef? Chef is an automation tool that let’s to automate processes. It’s a Configuration Management (CM) application that allows you to automate procedures and operations across a company’s servers and other devices in a few simple steps. This automation solution avoids the need for sophisticated and lengthy code scripts that could cause problems in the long term. You can deploy and manage software programs across all devices in your organization with only a few clicks. 2) 10 Advantages

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TDP DevOps – Day 4

1) What is terraform? Terraform is infrastructure as code tool that is used to define cloud resources and on-premises resources as configuration files that is understandable by human that can be versioned, reuse and shared. It manages an application’s underlying IT infrastructure through programming. It is written in Go programming language. 2) One example terraform program provider “github” { token=”github personal access token XXXXXXX” } resource “github_repository” “example” {name = “example”description = “My awesome codebase” visibility = “public”} 3) List

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TDP DevOps Day 3 – Assignment 1

1) What is kubernetes ? Kubernetes is open source platform that is used for containers orchestration and to manage multiple docker host, containerized workloads and services that facilitates automation. Kubernetes is portable and is developed in Go programming language. 2) Five reasons of using kubernetes: Scalability Architectural advantages like transparency, time savings and version control Clever updates Service discovery Elasticity Resilience 3) Each kubernetes components & write 2-3 lines about each one of them API Server – API Server is

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TDP DevOps – Day 2 Assignment

1) What is Docker ? Docker is platform for developing and running applications and software in packages called containers. Docker is a collaboration between development and operations teams which enables continuous delivery of applications and services to the end users. It is a tool that which is used to automate the deployment of software in containers so that applications can work efficiently in diverse environments. Docker enables multiple containers run on the same hardware and maintains isolated applications that leads

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TDP DevOps – Day 1

What is DevOps? – use 1 image DevOps is a model that integrates software development and Operations, it is the mindset that aims to automate and integrate the processes. DevOps practices enables to improve continuous software delivery, deployment, integration and monitoring and communications among teams effectively that leads to effective production of results desired by the customers and according to their needs. It also enables the performance that leads to speed delivery of the software to the businesses. 10 Advantages

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