Fundamental Tutorials of SQL

What is SQL? SQL stands for Structured Query Language. It is a standard language for accessing and manipulating data in a relational database. A relational database stores data in tables, which are made up of rows and columns. Each row represents a single record, and each column represents a single piece of data about that record. SQL can be used to perform a wide variety of tasks on a relational database, including: What are the top use cases of SQL?

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How to change Phpmyadmin MySQL Root Password with XAMPP on Localhost on Ubuntu.

At First we have to find that which root user password we want change because there are 3 root user password are in phpMyAdmin. To find, first fill root on username and leave blank password and click on Go, it will show which user you are trying to login. In my case i’m logging in root@localhost so i’ll change that password after logging in phpmyadmin. So, login in your phpmyadmin. After login you’ll see User Accounts Section on the top.

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Azure Insights: Keda; Teams, Azure AD; VPN Gateway; 10 years of Azure Azure pros share their thoughts on installing keda, controlling Teams with Azure AD, configuring Azure VPN Gateway, and the platform’s evolution. Deploying Keda In a recent blog post on Pixel Robots, Richard Hooper explored the role of keda, short for Kubernetes-based Event Driven Autoscaler. Using custom resources such as ScaledObjects and TriggerAuthentication, it generates YAML files with parameters for scaling containers in a Kubernetes cluster. YAML files help to inform horizontal pod autoscalers. According to Hooper, users can install

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SQL Server takes a turn towards Kubernetes and big data

Source:- SQL Server 2019 big data clusters bring relational and unstructured data together in a world where you don’t have to curate data before using it. Originally, the SQL database service on Azure and the SQL Server product were based on different code. Some years back, Microsoft unified the code base so that applications would be compatible between them. What the SQL team realised was that rather than just wanting to move their database applications to the cloud, customers

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