[SOLVED] Flutter : AAPT: error: unexpected element <queries> found in <manifest>.

The Android Gradle Plugin needs to know about new manifest elements, particularly for the manifest merger process. The plugin has a tendency to get confused if it sees elements in the manifest merger that it does not recognize, tossing out build errors like the one in the question. In this case, Android 11 was introduced <queries> as a manifest element, and older versions of the Android Gradle Plugin do not know about that element. PROBLEM SOLUTION I had this issue in flutter

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[SOLVED] xampplib: line 22: netstat: command not found

When I try to start my xampp in the server I found these errors: sudo /opt/lampp/lampp restartStarting XAMPP for Linux 7.2.34-0…XAMPP: Starting Apache…/opt/lampp/share/xampp/xampplib: line 22: netstat: command not found/opt/lampp/share/xampp/xampplib: line 22: netstat: command not found ok.XAMPP: Starting MySQL…/opt/lampp/share/xampp/xampplib: line 22: netstat: command not foundok.XAMPP: Starting ProFTPD…/opt/lampp/share/xampp/xampplib: line 22: netstat: command not foundok. How can I solve this problem with xampplib and how can I get the xampp to work? Solution It seems that your xampp instance is complaining about a

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The stream or file “/opt/lampp/htdocs/testproject/storage/logs/laravel-2021-08-31.log” could not be opened in append mode: failed to open stream: Permission denied

Problem I’m getting this error after migrating my laravel project to linux server, see error below Solution the error is that, Storage folder doesn’t have permission to write log files, you can run if you are using nginx then you need to use nginx user permission like below That’s All. I hope this article helps you to solve the problem. Thanks for reading. Keep Exploring.

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How To Set Up Task Scheduling With Cron Job In Laravel for Linux Server.

Step 1:- Run the below command to Install Laravel 5.8 Step 2 :- Now, we need to create a custom command. Custom command will execute with task scheduling cron job. Run the below command to create new custom command Now we make some changes on Command file. app/Console/Commands/DemoCron.php Step 3 :- Now, we need to define our commands on Kernel.php file with time when you want to run your command like as bellow functions: ->everyMinute(); Run the task every minute

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Laravel Permissions to set on Storage folder on Linux.

When we Setup laravel project on linux server then we have to give permissions to all folder’s, sub-folder’s and files in laravel Storage folder. So, i’m providing the list of permission which you have to set in storage folder. I’m providing this list because we can’t set 777 permission to all folders, if we do then it’s may be a security concern. So i’m providing a complete list of each folder’s and sub-folder’s permissions. storage – 755. storage/app – 755.storage/app/public

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[Solved] Linux : How to uninstall Xampp in Linux (ubuntu) Machine.

If You Want to uninstall Xampp from your linux machine, then follow the Below Steps :- Step 1 :- first Stop the server from running by below command sudo /opt/lampp/lampp stop Step 2 :- Now run below command to uninstall Xampp. sudo /opt/lampp/uninstall Step 3 :- Now run the below command to remove Xampp All leftover files. sudo rm -r /opt/lampp As you can see in the screenshot, after running the command all files are removed and when xampp is

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[Solved] Linux : How to install XAMPP on Linux (Ubuntu) machine.

To Successfully Install Xampp in your Ubuntu Machine just follow the Below Steps carefully. Step 1 :- Login to your (Ubuntu) Machine. Step 2 :- run the below command to download Xampp. wget https://downloadsapachefriends.global.ssl.fastly.net/7.4.22/xampp-linux-x64-7.4.22-0-installer.run Step 3 :- Go to root user by entering below command sudo -s Step 4 :- Now we give permission to execute to the downloaded xampp file. For that run, chmod 755 xampp-linux-x64-7.4.22-0-installer.run Step 5 :- Now, we run the downloaded file for installation, for that

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httpd-xampp.conf: How to allow access to an external IP besides localhost in phpmyadmin for ubuntu?

If you want to access phpMyAdmin from a static IP besides localhost, then you’re in right place, just follow the below steps :- Step 1 :- First locate httpd-xampp.conf file, for Ubuntu it’s located at /opt/lampp/etc/extra/ Step 2 :- open httpd-xampp.conf file for editing. you’ll find something live below code Step 3 :- add Require ip your_ip_address below Require local . Step 4 :- Add your static IP address after Require ip your_static_ip. It’s Done. Now Check to access your_ip_address/phpmyadmin

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How to change Phpmyadmin MySQL Root Password with XAMPP on Localhost on Ubuntu.

At First we have to find that which root user password we want change because there are 3 root user password are in phpMyAdmin. To find, first fill root on username and leave blank password and click on Go, it will show which user you are trying to login. In my case i’m logging in root@localhost so i’ll change that password after logging in phpmyadmin. So, login in your phpmyadmin. After login you’ll see User Accounts Section on the top.

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Laravel : Regex Validation For Password

Minimum eight characters, at least one letter and one number: Minimum eight characters, at least one letter, one number and one special character: Minimum eight characters, at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter and one number: Minimum eight characters, at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one special character: Minimum eight and maximum 10 characters, at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one special character:

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