Q1. List out all INSTRUCTION statement of dockerfile and give one line explanation.

FROM – base OS we require to build our apps

RUN – Run command in a container created from previous line/layer

ARG – Set a variable for docker file

ENV – set environment for the container

EXPOSE – Sepcify information port for the container and also can be used during port forwarding

COPY – Copy the file in the destination
ADD – Copy the folder in the destination

USER – specify the user to run PID1

WORKDIR – to set workdir so we dont have to give the entire path all the time.

CMD – To set the PID1. This can be replaced while starting the container using “docker run <image name> <process/command>”

ENTRYPOINT – To set the PID1. This can not be replaced while starting. Any parameter passing in docker run will consider parameters for PID1 “docker run <image name> <params>”