What are the components of Kubernetes worker and explain each component’s function?

kubelet The kubelet takes a set of PodSpecs that are provided through various mechanisms and ensures that the containers described in those PodSpecs are running and healthy. kube-proxy Kube-proxy is a network proxy that runs on each node in your cluster. kube-proxy maintains network rules on nodes. These network rules allow network communication to your Pods from network sessions inside or outside of your cluster. container runtime like docker ctr

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Q1. List out all INSTRUCTION statement of dockerfile and give one line explanation.

FROM – base OS we require to build our apps RUN – Run command in a container created from previous line/layer ARG – Set a variable for docker file ENV – set environment for the container EXPOSE – Sepcify information port for the container and also can be used during port forwarding COPY – Copy the file in the destinationADD – Copy the folder in the destination USER – specify the user to run PID1 WORKDIR – to set workdir

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Write a example docker file with 2 CMD, 2 ENTRYPOINT

Test1: docker run 27d064e1c81aHEllo from second entrypoint /bin/sh -c echo “Hello world from second cmd” Test2: root@ip-172-31-28-155:/home/ubuntu/raju# docker run 27d064e1c81a echo testHEllo from second entrypoint echo test Explanation: Only the second cmd or entrypoint is being considered. Moreover if we try to replace cmd during run time then second entrypoint and run time cmd is considered.

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List of Top 5 docker images from hub.docker.com and create a running container of it and try to use it.

Image 1: Ran golang image and executed the image to get the go version. Image2:Ran python image and executed the container Image3:Ran openjdk image and executed the container for java version Image4:Searched for some fun image and got cat image (docker run –rm -it wernight/funbox nyancat) Image5: Create a container for alpine image and excuted to add curl into the container

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