How to Create a class in PHP

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An interface is like a class with nothing but abstract methods. All methods of an interface must be public. It is also possible to declare a constructor in an interface. It’s possible for interface to have constants(can not be overridden by a class/interface that inherits them). interface keyword is used to create an interface in php.

  • Interface don’t have instance variables.
  • All methods of an interface is abstract.
  • All methods of an interface are automatically (by default) public.
  • We can not use the private and protected specifiers when declaring member of an interface.
  • We can not create object of interface.
  • More than one interface can be implemented in a single class.
  • A class implements an interface using implements keyword.
  • If a class is implementing an interface it has to define all the methods given in that interface.
  • If a class does not implement all the methods declared in the interface, the class must be declared abstract.
  • The method signature for the method in the class must match the method signature as it appears in the interface.
  • Any class can use an interface’s constants from the name of the interface like Test::roll.
  • Classes that implement an interface can treat the constants as they were inherited.
  • An interface can extend (inherit) an interface.
  • One interface can inherit another interface using extends keywords.
  • An Interface can not extends classes.

Defining Interface:

Syntax: - 
interface interface_name 
	const properties;

Ex: - 
interface Father  
	const a;
	public function disp( );

Extending Interface:

  • An interface can extend (inherit) an interface.
  • One interface can inherit another interface using extends keywords.
  • An Interface can not extends classes.

One Interface extending one Interface:

interface interface_name1
	const properties;

interface interface_name extends interface_name1
	const properties;

One interface can extend more than one interface:

interface Father


interface Mother


interface Son extends Father, Mother


Implementing Class:

  • More than one interface can be implemented in a single class.
  • A class implements an interface using implements keyword.
  • If a class is implementing an interface it has to define all the methods given in that interface.
  • If a class does not implement all the methods declared in the interface, the class must be declared abstract.
  • The method signature for the method in the class must match the method signature as it appears in the interface.
  • Any class can use an interface’s constants from the name of the interface like Test::roll.
  • Classes that implement an interface can treat the constants as they were inherited.

one interface can be implemented in a single class:

interface interface_name
	const properties;

class class_name implements interface_name

More than one interface can be implemented in a single class:



interface Mother


class Son implements Father, Mother


Abstract Class:

A class that is declared with abstract keyword, is known as abstract class in PHP. It can have abstract and non-abstract methods. It needs to be extended and its method implemented. objects of an abstract class cannot be created.

abstract class Test


Abstract Method:

A method that is declared as abstract and does not have implementation is known as abstract method

abstract function disp( ); //no body and abstract

abstract class Father 
	abstract function disp ( );

Class Son extends Father
	public function disp ( )
		echo “Abstract defined”;


  • We cannot use abstract classes to instantiate objects directly.
  • objects of an abstract class cannot be created.
  • The abstract methods of an abstract class must be defined in its subclass.
  • If there is any abstract method in a class, that class must be abstract.
  • A class can be abstract without having abstract method.
  • It is not necessary to declare all methods abstract in a abstract class.
  • We cannot declare abstract constructors or abstract static methods.
  • If you are extending any abstract class that have abstract method, you must either provide the implementation of the method or make this class abstract.

Difference between interface and abstract class:

  • An abstract class can have only abstract methods or only non-abstract methods or both, but All methods of an interface are abstract by default.
  • An abstract class can declare properties/methods with access specifier, but interface can declare only constant properties and methods are by default abstract and public.
  • A class can inherit only one abstract class and multiple inheritance is not possible for abstract class but A class can implement more than one interface and can achieve multiple inheritance.
  • If a class contains even a single abstract method that class must be declared as abstract.
  • In an abstract class, you can defined as well as It’s body methods but in the interface you can only define your methods.
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