SRE Pre-Assessment

Q1 – What are the differences between SRE and DevOps? Ans: Devops is like an interface and SRE implements DevOps Q2 – What SRE team is responsible for? Ans: Monitoring, Automation of Operations. Q3 – What is an error budget? Ans: The amount of errors/downtime that is acceptable. Q4 – What are MTTF (mean time to failure) and MTTR (mean time to repair)? What these metrics help us to evaluate? Ans: MTTF is mean of times between the failure occurrences.MTTR

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Pre-test Solved (Shashank)

Q1 – What are the differences between SRE and DevOps?Answer – DevOps – Development and operation work which is mainly involved in both the phases to reduce time of the over all SDLC.SRE – Is mainly concern about the uptime and relibility of the prod system and mostly works and develop software and automation around it. Q2 – What SRE team is responsible for?Answer : To manage the Uptime of the production systems. Q3 – What is an error budget?Answer

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PSRE – Pretest (nayakar)

Q1 – What are the differences between SRE and DevOps?Ans. SRE and DevOps are closely related fields. SRE perspective is understanding and managing service availability and monitoring them by making use of tools or automation. Devops is focused more on release management and service automation tasks along through tools or scripts. SREs focus is on client SLA/SLOs, DevOps need not consider client SLA/SLOs. Q2 – What SRE team is responsible for?Ans. SRE team is responsible for application availability, make sure

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Pre-test Solved (oshien)

Q1 – What are the differences between SRE and DevOps?A – SRE and devops have similar work profile. Devops are more on developing new tech/systems whereas SRE are more concentrated on the system availability. Q2 – What SRE team is responsible for?A – Making sure the end user is not affected with any of the service not available. Q3 – What is an error budget?A – Note sure, may be its how much a service downtime can be allowed. Q4

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PSRE assignment

Q1 – What are the differences between SRE and DevOps?Ans – Devops focuses on faster deployments, how to automate releasesSRE focuses on application reliability, how to monitor applicationsQ2 – What SRE team is responsible for?ANS SRE team is responsible for application reliability, incident management, host capacity checks, application monitoring,automation to reduce toilQ3 – What is an error budget?ANS Error budget is how much percentage of application unavailablity is acceptableQ4 – What are MTTF (mean time to failure) and MTTR (mean

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SRE Pre-Test Questions

Please write 2-3 lines answer without referring google or other sources for each questions and submit answer post at Q1 – What are the differences between SRE and DevOps? Q2 – What SRE team is responsible for? Q3 – What is an error budget? Q4 – What are MTTF (mean time to failure) and MTTR (mean time to repair)? What these metrics help us to evaluate? Q5 – What is the role of monitoring in SRE? Q6 – How

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Kubernetes Assignment 2 – Vishnupriya

1.What is POD in 10 lines with 1 YAML example – A POD is a collection of container and its storage inside a node of kubernetes cluster. We can have single or multiple container inside POD. Create a pod.yaml file with list of lines needs to be executed kubectl create -f pod.yaml => Will create pod now kubectl get pods => To see list of pods Replication controller is responsible for making sure that the specified number of pod replicas

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what is pod?. ->Pod is a collection of conatiner. -> It is storage inside a node of kubernet clusters. Types of Pod. Single Container Pod –> With the help of kubectl command we can create single container pod. kubectl run <name of the Pod> –image=<name of the image from registry> kubectl run jboss –image=jboss6.1 2. Multi Container Pod.-> it can be created using yaml mail with defenation of the container. Below is the example apiVersion: v1kind: Podmetadata:name: Jbossspec:containers: name: Tomcatimage:

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What is POD – in 10 lines with 1 YAML example pod it will execute the containers . it may contains tightly or loosely coupled containers and it has yaml file we can write pod instructions. What is ReplicationController – in 4 lines with 1 YAML example Replication means multiple pods. we can create multiple pods at a time by using rc.yml file. we need to give option like replicas: 3 in spect section in rc.yml file. controller will recreate

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Vijay Kubernetes Learnings

What is POD – in 10 lines with 1 YAML example Ans: Pod is a group of one or more Containers, A atom inside the container which manages the IP & Port configurations. below are the list of commands for Pod kubectl get pods kubectl create -f pod1.yaml -n=vijay kubectl apply -f pod1.yaml -n=vijay kubectl get pods -n=vijay kubectl get pods -n=vijay-o wide –show-labels kubectl delete -f pod1.yaml -n=vijay What is ReplicationController – in 4 lines with 1 YAML example Ans:

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Kubernet Learning- Sujit

– What is POD – in 10 lines with 1 YAML example A Kubernetes pod is a collection of one or more Linux containers, and is the smallest unit of a Kubernetes application. pod can be composed of multiple, tightly coupled containers or just a single container. Within the kubernets system, containers in the same pod will share the same compute resources. Kubernetes does not run containers directly, instead running pods to ensure that each container within them shares the same resources and

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Docker Assignment

What is docker?Docker is container management platform or tool.What is Docker container?Docker image is a set of files. Docker container is a runnable instance of docker image. Top 10 commnds using docker container? docker info docker version docker pull httpd(pull in image) docker images docker create –name=usha1 httpd docker ps -a docker start usha1 docker stop usha1 docker restart usha1 docker pause usha1 docker unpause usha1 docker usha1 port docker kill usha1 docker rm usha1 docker run -i -t ubuntu

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Docker Learning – Mukesh

What is Docker – in 2 lines? 2. What is Container – in 3 lines?=>Container are instance of docker images. each image have different type of layers like Windows2000, git, SFDC … etcthese images we can run using containers each image and each container have separate unique id. Top 10 commands with 1 example of using docker container? docker –versiondocker pull unbuntudocker psdocker ps -adocker pushdocker commit containerNamedocker logindocker kill containeriddocker rm containeriddocker rmi containerNamedocker build containerid 4. 5 commands

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Dhiren Kumar’s Docker Assignment

QA 1: What is Docker? Docker is built on the PASS model, which gives privileges to developers to deploy multiple applications in different containers, and allocates the defined disk space, and network. Docker made the build process easy, for which we can set up an application in less time. QA 2: What is Container? a. Docker container is an executable software package that includes all dependent layers (Model/View/Controller)b. With docker container application can work efficiently in different environmentsc. Docker container

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Docker Assignment 1 – Vishnupriya

What is Docker ? Docker is container/Management Platform tool. It helps to save cost & time and improve quality as well. It will helps to run lots of application in less CPU & RAM compare to any other physical server. 2. What is Container? In older days to run application virtual machine has been used. If we want to run 100s of application then we need 100 Virtual machine and each Virtual machine will require OS and each OS will

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Rajat – Assignments

Q. What is Docker? Ans. Docker is a software platform that allows for building, running and managing the application based on container. Docker Can have multiple images. Q. What is Container? Ans. A docker container is a lightweight, standalone, executable package of software to run the application. It’s an instance of an image as it uses the server information and file system provided by image. One Image can have multiple container. Q. Top 10 commands with 1 example of using

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Docker 1st Assignment- Sagar

Top 10 commands with 1 example of using docker container: docker attach: Attach local standard input, output, and error streams to a running container docker create: Create a new container docker exec: Run a command in a running container docker inspect: Return low-level information on Docker objects docker kill: Kill one or more running containers docker port: List port mappings or a specific mapping for the container docker rm: Remove one or more containers docker restart: Restart one or more

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Docker Learning 2022#278644 Write a 1 post with following answers. What is Docker – in 2 lines Docker is platform using which application can be build, shared and executed. It is a solution for the issue where most of the time an application used to work on one machine and failed to execute on another machine. What is Container – in 3 lines Containers are same as VM-Operating system. Container manages the lifecycle of an image. Container contains all the

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Docker Learning – Sujit

Write a 1 post with following answers.– What is Docker – in 2 lines Docker is a tool which is used to create, deploy, and run applications by using containers. – What is Container – in 3 lines Container can be used to deploy a particular application or environment. containers package all the code, libraries, and dependencies together and multiple containers can run in the same host, so that we can use that host’s resources more efficiently.– Top 10 commands with

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Imran Khan Docker Training

What is Docker?. Docker is container management service. Docker is a easy for developer to develop application, ship them into conatiner which can deployed anywhere. 2. What is Container?. Container are instance of docker images. Container can run using docker run command. The below command is used to run the conatiner. The basic purpose of docker to run container. The below command is to run the centos instace on ubuntu system. docker run -it centos /bin/bash 3. Top 10 commands

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