
What is POD – in 10 lines with 1 YAML example pod it will execute the containers . it may contains tightly or loosely coupled containers and it has yaml file we can write pod instructions. What is ReplicationController – in 4 lines with 1 YAML example Replication means multiple pods. we can create multiple pods at a time by using rc.yml file. we need to give option like replicas: 3 in spect section in rc.yml file. controller will recreate

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docker test- chandrasekhar

1.What is Docker? docker containes collections of containers and we can use any type of platform language application. its lightweight and quick output. 2. What is Container? container containes images . each image have different type of layers like ubuntu, git, java … these images we can run using containers each image and each container have saparete unique id 3.Top 10 commands with 1 example of using docker container docker –versiondocker pull unbuntudocker psdocker ps -adocker kill containeriddocker commit containeriddocker

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