docker test- chandrasekhar
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1.What is Docker?
docker containes collections of containers and we can use any type of platform language application. its lightweight and quick output.
2. What is Container?
container containes images . each image have different type of layers like ubuntu, git, java … these images we can run using containers each image and each container have saparete unique id
3.Top 10 commands with 1 example of using docker container
docker –version
docker pull unbuntu
docker ps
docker ps -a
docker kill containerid
docker commit containerid
docker login
docker push
docker rm containerid
docker rmi containerid
docker build containerid
4. 5 commands with 1 example of using docker image
docker pull ubantu
docker exec -it ubantu
docker images
docker start imageid
docker stop image id
docker rm imageid
docker rmi imageid
5. 5 commands with 1 example of using docker registry
docker pull ubantu
docker ubantu tag ramu chandra/june2022
docker login
docker push chandra/june2022
docker logout