Kubernetes Assignment 2 – Vishnupriya

1.What is POD in 10 lines with 1 YAML example – A POD is a collection of container and its storage inside a node of kubernetes cluster. We can have single or multiple container inside POD. Create a pod.yaml file with list of lines needs to be executed kubectl create -f pod.yaml => Will create pod now kubectl get pods => To see list of pods Replication controller is responsible for making sure that the specified number of pod replicas

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Docker Assignment 1 – Vishnupriya

What is Docker ? Docker is container/Management Platform tool. It helps to save cost & time and improve quality as well. It will helps to run lots of application in less CPU & RAM compare to any other physical server. 2. What is Container? In older days to run application virtual machine has been used. If we want to run 100s of application then we need 100 Virtual machine and each Virtual machine will require OS and each OS will

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