PSRE assignment

Q1 – What are the differences between SRE and DevOps?
Ans – Devops focuses on faster deployments, how to automate releases
SRE focuses on application reliability, how to monitor applications
Q2 – What SRE team is responsible for?
ANS SRE team is responsible for application reliability, incident management, host capacity checks, application monitoring,
automation to reduce toil
Q3 – What is an error budget?
ANS Error budget is how much percentage of application unavailablity is acceptable
Q4 – What are MTTF (mean time to failure) and MTTR (mean time to repair)? What these metrics help us to evaluate?
ANS Mean time to repair is time taken to resolve the incident
Mean time to failure could be time taken to understand the cause of failure
Q5 – What is the role of monitoring in SRE?
ANS Monitoring helps us detect if any application is not healthy or if it is flapping frequently. This helps us identify
errors prior to cutomers and work on it to resolve faster
Q6 – How do you differentiate between process and thread?
ANS Threads are light weight operations compared to process
Q7 – What activity means Reducing Toil?
ANS Automation
Q8 – Have you ever heard of SLO? If yes then explain.
ANS SLO – service level objective
These are basically the objectives we make with client. For ex, we can have an uptime of 99% as SLO
if application is not available for 99% of the time, we say it is an sla breach.
Based on the impact, we have to pay the cutomer
Q9 – Enlist all the Linux signals you are aware of
ANS host, ip, ping, curl, ls, chmod, sed, nslookup, telnet, ssh etc…
Q10 – What is observability
ANS Observability helps is quickly identifying the reason for errors in production.
Metrics, logs, traces help in giving us better observability

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