Assignment 1

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What is the diff between docker pause and docker unpause?

The command “docker pause” suspends all processes in the specified containers. Usually the SIGSTOP signal is sent to the process, which is observable by the process being suspended.

EG :

docker pause 9b1247ebff59

docker ps -a

9b1247ebff59   jenkins/jenkins   “/sbin/tini — /usr/…”   20 minutes ago   Up 17 seconds (Paused)          8080/tcp, 50000/tcp   Demo1

EG :

The command “docker unpause” automatically un-suspends the processes in the specified containers. Usually this is accomplished via the SIGCONT signal.

docker unpause 9b1247ebff59

docker ps -a

9b1247ebff59   jenkins/jenkins   “/sbin/tini — /usr/…”   20 minutes ago   Up 32 seconds              8080/tcp, 50000/tcp   Demo1

What is the diff between docker stop and docker kill?

The command “docker stop” sends a SIGTERM signal to the main process inside the specified container and after a grace period will send a SIGKILL signal to the main process. The SIGTERM signal being sent first allows for a graceful cleanup of the process.

EG :

docker stop 9b1247ebff59

docker ps -a

9b1247ebff59   jenkins/jenkins   “/sbin/tini — /usr/…”   32 minutes ago   Exited (143) 5 seconds ago             Demo1

The command “docker kill” sends a SIGKILL signal to the main process inside the specified container. This will automatically kill the main process without no timeout period.

EG :

docker kill 9b1247ebff59

docker ps -a 9b1247ebff59   jenkin