Top 5 Channels where You Can Learn DevOps For Free!

DevOps is a set of cultural philosophies, practises, and tools that improves an organization’s ability to deliver high-velocity applications and services, allowing it to evolve and improve products at a faster rate than traditional software development and infrastructure management processes. Organizations can better serve their customers and compete in the market because of this speed. 

How DevOps Works? 

Development and operations teams are no longer “silos” in a DevOps model. These two teams are sometimes combined into a single team where the engineers work across the entire application lifecycle, from development and testing to deployment and operations, and develop a diverse set of skills that aren’t limited to a single function. 

Quality assurance and security teams may become more closely integrated with development and operations, as well as throughout the application lifecycle, in some DevOps models. When everyone on a DevOps team is focused on security, this is referred to as DevSecOps. 

These groups employ best practices to automate processes that were previously manual and slow. They use a technology stack and tooling that allows them to quickly and reliably operate and evolve applications. These tools also assist engineers in independently completing tasks (such as deploying code or provisioning infrastructure) that would normally require assistance from other teams, thereby increasing a team’s velocity. 

Benefits of DevOps 

Prompt Delivery- Increase the number of releases and the speed with which they are released so that you can innovate and improve your product more quickly. The faster you can release new features and fix bugs, the better you’ll be able to respond to customer needs and gain a competitive advantage. Continuous integration and continuous delivery are software release practices that automate the process from build to deployment. 

Speed- Move at a high rate so you can provide better customer service, better adapt to changing markets, and become more efficient at delivering business results. Your developers and operations teams can achieve these results using the DevOps model. Microservices and continuous delivery, for example, enable teams to take ownership of services and release updates more quickly. 

Scale- At scale, manage and operate your infrastructure and development processes. Automation and consistency aid in the efficient and risk-free management of complex or changing systems. Infrastructure as code, for example, makes it easier to manage your development, testing, and production environments in a repeatable and efficient way. 

Reliability- Ensure the quality of application updates and infrastructure changes so you can deliver at a faster pace while still providing a positive user experience. To ensure that each change is functional and safe, use practices such as continuous integration and continuous delivery. Practices such as monitoring and logging allow you to keep track of performance in real time. 

Collaboration has improved- Create more effective teams by following a DevOps cultural model that emphasizes values like ownership and accountability. Developers and operations teams work closely together, sharing a lot of responsibilities and combining workflows. This saves time and money by reducing inefficiencies (e.g. reduced handover periods between developers and operations, writing code that takes into account the environment in which it is run). 

Security- Maintain control and maintain compliance while moving quickly. Using automated compliance policies, fine-grained controls, and configuration management techniques, you can adopt a DevOps model without sacrificing security. You can define and track compliance at scale using infrastructure as code and policy as code, for example. 

Why DevOps Matters? 

From shopping to entertainment to banking, software and the Internet have changed the world and its industries. Software is no longer just a means of supporting a business; it is now an integral part of every aspect of it. Companies communicate with their customers using software that is delivered as online services or applications and can be used on a variety of devices. They also use software to transform every part of the value chain, including logistics, communications, and operations, to improve operational efficiencies. Companies in today’s world must transform how they build and deliver software in the same way that physical goods companies transformed how they design, build, and deliver products using industrial automation throughout the twentieth century. 

DevOps Practices 

Continuous integration- Continuous integration is a software development practise in which developers merge their code changes into a central repository on a regular basis, followed by automated builds and tests. Continuous integration’s main goals are to find and fix bugs faster, improve software quality, and shorten the time it takes to validate and release new software updates. 

Consistent Delivery- Continuous delivery is a software development practise in which code changes are built, tested, and ready for production release automatically. After the build stage, it extends continuous integration by deploying all code changes to a testing and/or production environment. Developers will always have a deployment-ready build artefact that has passed through a standardised test process if continuous delivery is properly implemented. 

Microservices- Microservices architecture is a design approach for constructing a single application as a collection of small services. Each service runs in its own process and communicates with other services via a well-defined interface that is typically an HTTP-based application programming interface (API). Microservices are based on business capabilities, with each service serving a specific purpose. Microservices can be written in a variety of frameworks or programming languages and deployed individually, as a single service, or as a group of services. 

Collaboration and communication- One of the key cultural aspects of DevOps is increased communication and collaboration within an organization. By physically bringing the workflows and responsibilities of development and operations together, DevOps tooling and automation of the software delivery process establishes collaboration. On top of that, these teams established strong cultural norms around information sharing and communication via chat applications, issue or project tracking systems, and wikis. This facilitates communication between developers, operations, and even other departments such as marketing and sales, allowing all parts of the company to align. 

Logging and Monitoring- Organizations keep track of metrics and logs to see how application and infrastructure performance affects the end-user experience. Organizations can learn how changes or updates affect users by capturing, categorising, and then analyzing data and logs generated by applications and infrastructure. This provides insight into the root causes of problems or unexpected changes. As services must be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and application and infrastructure updates become more frequent, active monitoring becomes more important. Creating alerts or conducting real-time analysis of this data can also help organizations monitor their services more proactively. 

Here is a List of Top 5 Channels where You Can Learn DevOps For Free! 



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