Kubernetes architecture

Simplified Kubernetes Architecture | by Mohan Pawar | Medium

Kuberenetes consists of a master, worker nodes and workstation (pc that developer uses to send commands to control plane/master)

Master has the following components:

  • API Server (Communicates with every other component in the control plane aka master)
  • Etcd (Cluster store -> stores information about the cluster (The desired state))
  • Controller Manager (Probes all the pods in the cluster to check for their health)
  • Scheduler (Schedules tasks that are to be executed by the worker nodes)

Worker has the following components:

  • Kubelet (It’s a kuberenetes agent that instatiates pods in a node, works with API server)
  • Container Engine (Docker/rkt)
  • Kube Proxy (Works with API server to create entries in IP table -> unique IP for every pod)
How kubeadm Initializes Your Kubernetes Master - Ian Lewis