Assignment for Kubernetes ReplicasSets, DeamonSets & Statefulsets, & Services -Vindhya

Assignment – 1 1. What is ReplicasSets? A ReplicaSet is a process that runs multiple instances of a Pod and keeps the specified number of Pods constant. Its purpose is to maintain the specified number of Pod instances running in a cluster at any given time 2. How to work with ReplicasSets?  It is defined with fields. If we give the number of replicas in yaml file it will created those many. When a ReplicaSet needs to create new Pods,

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1. What are the 10 features of Kubernetes? 1.Storage Orchestration 2.Service discovery and load balancing 3.Automated rollouts/roll backs 4. Self healing 5. Automatic bin packaging 6. Secret &config management 2. Master Node components 1.Kube-controller – controller of ontrollers (node/endpoints/namespaces) 2. Schedular – Assign work to nodes 3.Api server – Front end to control plane 4.Cluster store – 3. Worker node components 1.Kubelet 2.namespace 4. How Kubernetes works? It will work through Master and worker node. If we have 4 master

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