Kubernetes replicasets

Kubernetes has a feature of deploying multiple replicas of a pod and managing them from workstation. Each of these sets of replicas of a pod are called replicasets. Replicasets can be created, deleted, updated in a single time. These are shown as deployments in the kubectl cli Creating deployment: kubectl create deployment rajesh –image=scmgalaxy/nginx-devopsschoolv1 –replicas=3 -n=sumit Getting list of replicas deployed in namespace: kubectl get deploy -n=sumit Scale deployment: kubectl scale –replicas=3 deploy/rajesh -n=sumit O/p:deployment.apps/rajesh scaled[centos@ip-172-31-22-14 ~]$ kubectl get deploy

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Kubernetes, how it works

Kubernetes is a container orchestrator tool. It solves the problem of manually launching, monitoring and maintaining container applications. A Kubernetes cluster is a set of Nodes and a control plane (aka master) Master controls all the nodes, it does so by using following components: a) API server: All incoming and outgoing communication with the cluster is done through API server. It communicates using JSON files and communication can be established through a set of REST API b) Cluster Store: It

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10 uses of docker-compose

Runs multiple containers from a single file and allows common access a) docker-compose run: run file b) docker-compose create: create services c) docker-compose stop: stop services d) docker-compose up: create and run e) docker-compose down: stop f) docker-compose rm g) docker-compose ps h) docker-compose push i) docker-compose pull

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