Adding an Auto-Complete Address Field to your Forms (Laravel)

First of all we need to get a google maps API, go through this documentation to get an API of your own. Next thing we need to do is to put a initializing script in our blade file Make sure to provide your api key in the script The above script will call a method name initAutocomplete that we have to write in our .js file Make sure you form have these matching selectors What i have done in above

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How to get current city name using google maps API (Laravel)

First of all we need to get a google maps API, go through this documentation to get an API of your own. Place this script in your blade file if your are using Laravel or in your HTML inside body tags. Make sure to put your API key in the place of YOUR_API_KEY in provided script above Next thing you need to do after initializing the map is to create a method in jQuery for the call-back method initMap ,

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Step by Step Guide to Enable Whatsapp Messaging on websites using Twilio & Feedback

Login to you twilio conlsole application and go to whatsapp section Using Twilio Phone Numbers with WhatsApp On WhatsApp, users message each other using phone numbers. To send and receive WhatsApp messages using the Twilio Programmable Messaging API, you’ll need a phone number as well. The Twilio API addresses WhatsApp users and your numbers, using the following prefixed address format: whatsapp:<E.164 formatted phone number> Enabling WhatsApp with a Twilio Number To use WhatsApp messaging in production apps, you must enable

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HTML (hyper text markup language) provides a way of displaying Web pages with text andimages or multimedia content. HTML is a markup language. An HTML file is a text filecontaining tags The declaration represents the version of html , and helps browsers to display web pages correctly. <!DOCTYPE > It must at the top of the page. Tag: To create a tag, HTML gives the anglebrackets < and > There are two tags: opening tag closing tag. Type of Tag

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