What are the new major changes happend in kubernetes 1.22?

What’s New (Major Themes)Removal of several beta Kubernetes APIsA number of APIs are no longer serving specific Beta versions in favour of the GA version of those APIs. All existing objects can be interacted with via general availability APIs. This removal includes beta versions of ValidatingWebhookConfiguration, MutatingWebhookConfiguration, CustomResourceDefinition, APIService, TokenReview, SubjectAccessReview, CertificateSigningRequest, Lease, Ingress, and IngressClass APIs. For the full list check out Deprecated API Migration Guide and the blog post Kubernetes API and Feature Removals In 1.22: Here’s What

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What is Kubernetes pod?

POD is logical entity or a place holder, which represents a single instance of kubernetes cluster. POD can house one or more containers with shared NW, Storage resources. PODs can not be created. It can only be instantiated with the help of node agent kubelet. kubectl get pods >> This command will list all the available PODs in the default namespace kubectl get pods –all-namespaces -o wide >> This command will list all the PODs from all the namespaces with

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What is Docker volume and how to work with it?

Docker volumes are the file systems mounted with in a containers, that are originally created in the root file system of the docker host. Docker volumes can be shared across multiple containers running in that particular Docker host. Docker volumes can be used to share any common artifacts across container. docker volume create [volume_name] command will create the docker volume.

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