PKS Post Assessment – Akhil

List out top 15 commands in Vmware Tanze Application service aka PCF cf authcf logincf create-app-manifestcf apply-manifestcf pushcf helpcf logoutcf passwordcf apicf orgscf spacescf org-quotacf buildpackscf servicescf create-servicecf create-appcf create-packagecf stage-package

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Kubernetes Handbook

By Akhil Features of Kubernetes Automated rollouts and rollbacks Storage orchestration Self-healing Service discovery and load balancing Batch execution Horizontal scaling Container grouping using pod Auto scalability DNS management Resource monitoring and logging How Kubernetes Works ? What are the components of Master? Master has 4 components API Server Scheduler Controller-Manager etcd What are the components of worker node ? kubelet kube-proxy POD which inturn has containers Components of Workstation kubectl json/yaml file creation

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Akhil Docker LAB

Docker Installation Guide Verify if the docker is installed and running : Assignment 1# Creating an ubuntu container Attaching to the container and installing git and apache in it Now installing git and apache2 Commit the container changes Now see if the new image is created Verifying if Git is installed from out side of the container Assignment 2 # Create a httpd container exposed at 8080 port Access the url from outside Assignment 3 # Where is the LOCAL

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