Diff between Compiled Lang Vs Interpreted Lang Vs Declarative Lang? complier lang Takes entire program as single input and converts it into object code which is stored in the file. Intermediate Object code is generated e.g: C,C++,java Compiled programs run faster because compilation is done before execution. Memory requirement is more due to the creation of object code. Error are displayed after the entire program is compiled Source code —Compiler —Machine Code —Output Interperted lang Takes single instruction as single

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Pods it is bascially a environment to run a container. Pods can have one or more container All pods are “EMPERMERAL” meaning no pod is redeployed. Pod will run as long as the container is running . What POD contains? ONE imag pods contain one / more container. pods contain shared networks. Pods contain Unique ip address Lifecycle of the POD? ONE image Pod life cycle startng with PENDING PHASE RUNNING PHASE SUCEEDED/FAILED PHASE pending: when pod is ready to

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– Define What is Kubernetes with Image? Kubernetes : It is a “google” product .Written in “GO ” language. It is a open source platform for managing self healing ,Automated rollbacks, Auto Scaling, load balancing . Why Kubernetes with Image? Kubernetes solves the problem of scalability, problem of managing multiple host ,problem related to load balancing multiple conatiner running with same port in one host . Kubernetes Architecuture with Image? It is a client-server architecture. It has master node and worker

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