
– Define What is Kubernetes with Image?

Kubernetes : It is a “google” product .Written in “GO ” language. It is a open source platform for managing self healing ,Automated rollbacks, Auto Scaling, load balancing .

Why Kubernetes with Image?

Kubernetes solves the problem of scalability, problem of managing multiple host ,problem related to load balancing multiple conatiner running with same port in one host .

Kubernetes Architecuture with Image?

  • It is a client-server architecture.

It has master node and worker node.

master node consists of four components they are as follows :1.API Server 2. Cluster Store 3.Controller Manager 4. Kube-Schedular

worker node consist of three components they are as follows : 1. Proxy 2.Kubelet 3.Docker-engine

How Kubernetes Works with Image

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