

Terraform is an open source “Infrastructure as Code” tool, created by HashiCorp. A declarative coding tool, Terraform enables developers to use a high-level configuration language called HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language) to describe the desired “end-state” cloud or on-premises infrastructure for running an application. It then generates a plan for reaching that end-state and executes the plan to provision the infrastructure.

Example for Terraform Program:

provider “aws” {

region = “us-west-1”


resource “aws instance” myec2″ {

ami = “ami-12345qwert”

instance_type = “t2.micro”


Terraform Commands:

  • Terraform apply : it executes the actions proposed in a terraform plan.
  • Terraform plan :creates an execution plan, which let’s us to preview the changes that terraform plans to make to your infrastructure.
  • Terraform init : it is used to initialize a working directory containing configuration files.
  • Terraform destroy : terminates resources defined in terraform configuration.
  • Terraform show :used to provide human readable output from a state or plan file.
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