Assignment Day 3 – P. Sai Harshini


q1. What is kubernetes ?

a1. Kubernetes is an open source Container orchestration engine which manages multiple docker hosts having containers running in them. It is a cluster and container management tool.

It is developed by Golang.

It is developed by Google but it was donated to Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF).

Kubernetes is known for it’s profound scalability, reliability and availability.

q2. 5 Reasons for using Kubernetes.

a2. The reasons are:

  1. It is a single interface to deploy containers to clouds,vms and physical machines.
  2. To run cluster of hosts
  3. It allocates storages for containers running
  4. its a perfect load balancer
  5. add advantage of self recovery

q3. Kubernetes Components

a3. As follows:

  1. Kubeadm – it is an admin tool for all the components in the k8.
  2. API server – functions like get, post etc. for all the services of k8 clusters.
  3. ETCD – it a database storage. It stores all the data of the k8 clusters.
  4. controller manager – manages and controls worker states
  5. Kube proxy – assigns ip addresss, deals with the network services.
  6. scheduler – assigns the tasks to the k. worker.

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