Upgrade & Secure Your Future with DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps, MLOps!
We spend hours on Instagram and YouTube and waste money on coffee and fast food, but won’t spend 30 minutes a day learning skills to boost our careers.
Master in DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps & MLOps!
Learn from Guru Rajesh Kumar and double your salary in just one year.
Source – searchsoftwarequality.techtarget.com
Software testing toolmaker LogiGear Corp. just released a new DevOps survey, and based on the results, it is clear there is lingering confusion about the development methodology.
One DevOps survey participant summed it up: “Agile and Scrum were concrete processes that led to tangible and positive results in the workplace. On the other hand, I have yet to understand the term DevOps, except as a meaningless buzzword that has had zero effect to our work processes.”
According to the DevOps survey, 60% of those working in a DevOps environment felt a lot of pressure to automate, and nearly half of them said they also see a lot of environment or test data problems. The DevOps survey also indicated that 60% of practitioners are running more tests now that they’re doing DevOps, while 32% said they were performing many more tests.
For companies not currently trying DevOps, the picture was a little different, according to the DevOps survey. Just 46% said there was a lot more pressure to automate, while just one-third said their Agile and Scrum practices were in good shape.
The DevOps survey had one very promising piece of news, however: Twenty-five percent said their ops team was very helpful when it came to running tests or working with testers, and 37% said their ops teams regularly helped to create good test environments.
Hot tools for app hosting
StackShare has created an indexed ranking of application hosting tools based on the number of stacks containing each tool. The index is updated in real time and looks at the tools in several different ways.
As of June 2017, NGINX was the most popular and appeared in 11,200 stacks. Other top contenders include Apache HTTP Server, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Heroku, Microsoft IIS, DigitalOcean, Socket.io, Firebase, Apache Tomcat and Google App Engine.
But what are recruiters looking for? StackShare matched the application development tools with the number of job postings and came up with a somewhat different ranking. The most sought-after tool by employers was Amazon’s EC2, with 2,790 job openings. The second-most-requested was NGINX, followed by Microsoft Azure, Apache Tomcat and Heroku.
Where do you rank?
Packt just released its third annual Skill Up survey of 5,000 development and tech professionals worldwide. CIOs and other C-level managers were the highest paid, of course, but other top-earning titles included big data engineer, security engineer and information architect. Salaries averaged out highest in the United States and lowest in South and Southeast Asia.
On the bottom of the pay scale were game, web and mobile developers, as well as tech support people.
But perhaps most interesting was the tools and languages developers were most interested in learning. The container technology Docker was No. 1 on the list. The Python programming language was second, followed by another hot language, Angular. Visual Studio, an integrated development environment, was fourth. And Jenkins, an automation server that is open-sourced, was the final.