Through the winds of winter, Microsoft sees a dream of spring… Azure Spring Cloud, that is

Source:- “We are moving to a world where Windows will be consumed out of Azure with the best security, economics and performance,” said IGEL North America CEO Jed Ayres. “If you can’t find a way to add value to that, you are cooked.” Microsoft’s plan to aggressively move Windows and Windows security updates into Azure as part of its Windows Virtual Desktop charge is set to wreak havoc on MSPs that stand pat with the 34-year-old legacy Windows operating

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Why VMware’s Kubernetes investment will shape your multi-cloud strategy

Source :- Multicloud — the use of multiple cloud computing and storage services from different vendors — has been talked about for a long time, but has not widely been embraced or adopted. That’s mostly because in order for a company to embrace multiple clouds, they first need to embrace a single cloud, and then embrace a second one to get, by definition, to multicloud. A single cloud already has its own set of security, compliance, and operational challenges, and

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