Five Best Practices for DevOps Automation

Source- Open source libraries and frameworks play a crucial role in the DevOps environment that emphasizes the shorter development lifecycles, collaboration, and innovation. It’s important not to neglect the security of these open source components. Here we will talk about five things that one must consider concerning the safety of an open source project. •  Security Automation A significant driving force for DevOps is to automate as much as possible. DevOps automation emphasizes using technologies like virtual machines and containerization to

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Learn How Continuous Delivery is Implemented in Kubernetes

Source:- In a modern development environment, continuous integration and development are central to the success of a software development project. To be successful when using a continuous delivery approach, you need to avail short lived development and test environments for handling code changes. The ability to quickly create and terminate containers in Docker and Kubernetes is a feature that very well supports the continuous delivery model. In this tutorial, we will abbreviate continuous development/continuous integration as CI/CD. As a developer,

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