Review latest investments to AWS’ machine learning platform Improved deep learning capabilities lead this machine learning roundup. Learn how AWS is targeting both machine-learning-savvy developers and data scientists. AWS is always adding services and features, but it’s been particularly active with its AI services of late. For example, AWS rolled out 13 machine learning products at re:Invent 2018 alone. AWS’ massive investment in product development is good for users, but this pace of change makes it difficult for IT professionals to keep up. The Deep Learning AMIs

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Python developer, data scientist or DevOps: Which tech jobs pay best?

Source:- ‘Software developer’ was the most common tech job advertised, with more than 130,000 job ads last year and a median salary of £39,430, or £55,000 in London, according to the data published by the government’s Digital Economy Council. ‘Front end developer’ was the second most common role, listed more than 30,000 times with a median UK salary of just over £35,000 or £50,000 in London. ‘IT systems architect’ was the best-paid job on the list, commanding a salary

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