GitHub Improves Vulnerability Workflows and Becomes CVE Numbering Authority

Source:- Along with Semmle acquisition, GitHub has disclosed a number of improvements aimed to make it easier for maintainers and developers to fix and protect against vulnerabilities. This includes the possibility of creating a security advisory and assigning it a CVE number directly from GitHub UI. As GitHub senior vice president Shanku Niyogi explains, when a project maintainer or anyone with admin privileges for a repository discovers a vulnerability, they can now create a draft security advisory, which provide a private area to

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GitHub Desktop evolves for improved workflow support

Source:- GitHub Desktop has evolved to version 2.0, bringing more capabilities to developers that better support workflows. GitHub Desktop 2.0 has now expanded to include stashing, rebasing, and better ways to share credit with other developers, and emoji support. GitHub’s Billy Griffin says in a company blog that stashing and rebasing were two of the most requested features, which is why they are now supported with Desktop 2.0. “We’re focused on listening to our users and supporting the workflows you

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