Cloud Computing Benefits For Healthcare

Source:- In recent years, cloud computing has become more ubiquitous, even surpassing local computing in many cases. As such, cloud-based programs and services are now commonly used in consumer phones, computers, and smart devices. Aside from casual use, cloud computing also impacted the essential divisions of society, especially the healthcare industry. If you’re interested in learning more, please read on. In the following sections, we’ll discuss the benefits of cloud computing for the healthcare sector. 1) Faster services In the

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Impacts of Department of Health data breach remain unknown

Source:- The Wyoming Department of Health knows it accidentally published the personal information of 164,000 residents on a public website earlier this year. But it remains a mystery as to whether any bad actors accessed the data before the department discovered the mistake and took the files offline. The roughly 54 files that were uploaded to contained names, dates of birth, addresses, some driver’s license numbers and results for COVID-19 and alcohol breath tests. Between the data’s upload in

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Highmark Health Builds on Google Cloud Partnership for Better Care

Source:- March 04, 2021 – Highmark Health and Verily recently announced a strategic collaboration with Verily that will build on its going partnership with Google Cloud to foster patient empowerment and digital transformation. The latest strategic collaboration with Google Cloud’s sister company Verily will develop Highmark Health’s Living Health model, which is designed to deliver personalized healthcare to patients and allow clinicians to focus on the specific needs of each patient. Additionally, the model seeks to eliminate the fragmentation in

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Azure Updates from Microsoft: JEDI contract; Azure Dedicated Host; New Relic; Cloud Shell; Azure Service Health

Source: After suggestions from President Trump that the Department of the Defense may have intentionally favored Amazon in the bidding process, the $10 billion JEDI contract is being placed on hold, Politico reports. Competing bidder Oracle has campaigned hard against Amazon in the contracting process. With Amazon’s lead in the bidding process now in question, Microsoft may have an opportunity to challenge its largest competitor for the major US government contract. But for civilian customers, one of the biggest

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