DeepFactor Unifies Performance and Security Monitoring for Developers

Source:-devops Company CEO Kiran Kamity said the DeepFactor Pre-Production Monitoring platform combines security, performance and behavior monitoring in one offering. Based on a “Deep Passive Monitoring” capability that requires developers to add a file to a container image to instrument an application, the platform feeds the telemetry data collected via that file to an Application Runtime Intelligence engine. That engine surfaces potential security and performance issues as well as risky and unexpected behavior changes between versions of applications, he said.

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What is the point of hybrid cloud – or, is it time to re-evaluate hybrid?

Source:- Opinion There used to be a buzz around hybrid cloud. The idea was simple, host your mission critical applications in-house where they were more secure and manageable and then burst into the cloud for additional capacity. Sounds great; but in reality, it didn’t really work. Many organisations tried and while some succeeded most failed. Why? The primary issue was network latency between stacks but there was also a huge degree of complexity in orchestrating different technology platforms successfully.

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