K8 Architecture by Sivaiah
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- What are the 10 feature of kubernetes?
1.self healing
2.Rolling update and rollback
3.Auto scalability
4.Combinations of container in Pod
5.Manages container workload and services
6.health checking
7.speed deployment
8.ability to absorb chnages quickly
9.ability to recover quickly
10.hide complexity in cluster
- How kubernetes works?
By implementation of cluster with combinations of both control node and worker nodes,
- What are the components of Master? explain in one line sentense
1.API server: it is an cluster gateway.
2.cluster storage: it stores all data from API server(etcd)
3.conroller manager:it is responsible to make sure all current start is equal to desired state
4.schudeler : it will take request from api server, will ask kubectl to perform that action
- What are the components of Worker? explain in one line sentense
1:container engine: it creates and manages the container
2:kubeporxy: it will crete iptables,route traffic to pods, acts load balancer
3:kubelet:moniter apiserver requets, responsible for pods lifecycle
- What are the components of Workstation? explain in one line sentense
1.kubectl: it will try connect to apiserver via cmds
2.YAML/JSON: set of commands/instructions