Install Ansible and run ADHOC commands to setup httpd server

1.ansible localhost -m -a"name=deploy state=present" -b
2.ansible localhost -m ansible.builtin.user -a "name=deploy-user password=devops@345 group=deploy state=present shell=/bin/bash" -b
3.ansible localhost -m yum -a"state=present name=httpd" -b
4.ansible localhost -m service -a"name=httpd state=started" -b
5.ansible localhost -m file -a"path=/var/www/html state=directory"
6.ansible localhost -m copy -a"dest=/var/www/html src=second.html" -b
7.ansible localhost -m yum -a"state=present name=git" -b
  ansible localhost -m yum -a"state=present name=wget" -b
8.ansible localhost -m ansible.builtin.git -a"repo= dest=/home/centos/sreepada clone=yes" -b
9.ansible localhost -m reboot