Cloud Foundry Error – cloud controller error


$ cf login

Setting API endpoint to
Error unmarshalling the following into a cloud controller error: no healthy upstream


Check if cf-system pods are running or not. If not running - check a logs too to find out root cause.

$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
NAMESPACE              NAME                                                           READY   STATUS       RESTARTS   AGE
cf-blobstore           cf-blobstore-minio-759695448b-g22zt                            2/2     Running      0          35h
cf-db                  cf-db-postgresql-0                                             2/2     Running      0          35h
cf-system              ccdb-migrate-vsm46                                             0/2     Completed    0          35h
cf-system              cf-api-clock-59454bb65d-7hr6c                                  2/2     Running      0          35h
cf-system              cf-api-controllers-697777f9f9-zt6n7                            3/3     Running      0          35h
cf-system              cf-api-deployment-updater-55f97b5d8c-b47k9                     2/2     Running      1          35h
cf-system              cf-api-server-5d67755b88-qf6fc                                 6/6     Running      1          35h
cf-system              cf-api-worker-c7f5fc798-9fcld                                  3/3     Running      0          35h
cf-system              eirini-api-85df87f6c4-xx87f                                    2/2     Running      0          35h
cf-system              eirini-app-migration-rs8b9                                     0/1     Completed    0          35h
cf-system              eirini-event-reporter-8675ff86bb-9r4lv                         2/2     Running      1          35h
cf-system              eirini-event-reporter-8675ff86bb-kktd5                         2/2     Running      1          35h
cf-system              eirini-task-reporter-74d8576844-957xm                          2/2     Running      1          35h