Assignment 2- OpenShift Intro by Dasari Sowmya

1) What is OpenShift? OpenShift is a family of containerization software offerings created by opensource software provider Red Hat. OpenShift is a cloud based Kubernetes container platform that is considered both containerization software and a platform as a Service. OpenShift offers consistent security, built in monitoring, centralized policy management and compatibility with Kubernetes container workloads. OpenShift empowers easy integration with leading CI/CD platforms, AI Powered monitoring solutions, and user demand analysis tools. By taking better control of their Kubernetes environments,

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Chef Introduction

1)What is Chef A chef is an open-source configuration management tool that uses Ruby to develop essential building blocks like recipes and cookbooks. It is an automation tool that converts infrastructure to code. It focuses on writing code instead of using the manual process. This feature enables Chef to manage and configure multiple systems with ease. The code can be tested and continuously deployed using Chef.   2)10 Advantage of Chef Accelerating Software Delivery Accelerating cloud Adoption Manage Datacenters A streamlined IT operation workflow Continuous

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Assignment 5-(day 5)

What is Chef? chef is a tool for accelerating application delivery and devops collaborations.It helps to solve the problem by treating infrastructure as code.Rather than manually changing anything,the machine setup is described in a chef recipe.It is like more than configuration management tool. 10 Advantage of Chef? Accelerating software delivery Increasing service resilience Improving risk management Managing both data center and cloud environment Continuous delivery scalability consistency A streamlined IT operations and workflow How to install Chef Workstation? To onstall

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Post – 5

What is Chef? Chef in DevOps is an automation tool. It is a Configuration Management (CM) tool that lets you automate processes and tasks across numerous servers and other devices of an organization in simple steps. Such a framework is highly beneficial to a company. 10 Advantage of Chef? Automation of cloud server Managing servers with ease Deployment of servers at faster pace. Best consistency – all the machines have same cloud running. Scalability Speed and accuracy Integrating cloud technology Effective risk

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Openshift is a cloud based platform that is used to develop and build applications. Openshift also offers automated installations, upgrades, changes and life cycle management throughout the entire container stack on any cloud. Openshift allows the developers to scale so the business can grow through cloud native development. It can simplify the access to an underlying infrastructure and helps managing the application life cycle and also the development workflows that are required.

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What is chef

Chef is a n automation tool that provides a way to infrastructure the code. It can be also termed as a programmable infrastructure. Chef has a client-server architecture But rather it has workstation. We dono’t need to execute every node or every single node it will be automatically done. Ten advantages of chef Easy to learn Automation Delivering all infrastructure Final thoughts It contains all the blue prints of the infrastructure Centralized management Easily management It can be used by

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Assignment-1 Chef Intro by Dasari Sowmya

1)What is Chef? Chef is a Deployment tool. It is used as a configuration management tool used to automate the infrastructure provisioning. It is developed in Ruby language. It is used for building blocks like recipe and cookbooks. It is used for managing servers, software and applications in-house and also in the cloud. 2)10 Advantages of chef? Accelerating Software Delivery Increasing Service Resiliency Improving risk management Accelerating cloud Adoption Manage Datacenters A streamlined IT operation workflow Continuous delivery Deploy and

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Chef is an open course technology which configures the management that is used to automate the infrastructure and it is also used to streamline the task of configuration and managing the company’s server. Chef is used to deploy and manage the servers and application on the cloud. Advantage of Chef? Improving risk management. Manages cloud as well as the data center. Streamlined It workflow and operations. Increase in services. Acceleration software delivery. Cloud adoption. Lower barrier of entry. Integration with

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Assignment – #1 – Chef Intro by J Varshita

Q1 – Chef in DevOps is used to automate the given infrastructure and also it is an application delivery tool. It basically changes the automation into the code for better management and deployment of the server. Q2 – 10 Advantages Automation of cloud server Managing servers with ease Deployment of servers at faster pace. Best consistency – all the machines have same cloud running. Scalability Speed and accuracy Integrating cloud technology Effective risk management Speed s/w delivery Best rectification factor

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Day 5-Assignment # 3 – Forify SCA?

*5 Advantage of Forify SCA? -it improves static security for applications -it allows to upload third party and customer specific security instructions -static application security testing helps to find code related issues in early deployment stage -it helps in fast and accurate scanning -it helps in identifying vulnerabilities that pose the greatest threat -forify sca helps to reduce development Time and Cost

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Day 5-Assignment # 2 – OpenShift intro

What is Openshift? OpenShift is a hybrid cloud platform. It offers automated installation, upgrades, and lifecycle management throughout the container stack . OpenShift is a cloud development Platform as a Service (PaaS) hosted by Red Hat. It’s an open source cloud-based user-friendly platform used to create, test, and run applications, and finally deploy them on cloud. OpenShift is capable of managing applications in different languages such as Node.js, Ruby, Python and Java. One of the key features . is it is

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Assignment 4 by Nallagatla Sarvani [26-05-2022]

What is Terraform? Terraform is a tool to write a code & it allows to programmatically provision the physical resources to an application requires to run. It is used to automate the provisioning of your cloud resources. Terraform is an open-source, cloud-agnostic provisioning tool developed by HashiCorp and written in GO language.  Example Terraform program resource “github_repository” “Sample” {name = “terraform1”description = “My first terraform project” visibility = “public”} provider github { token=”ghp_CpzDx9BrikaSXBsOVJ4t90NoK0FZQH3AkrzP” owner=”Organization” Terraform commands and its

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Day 4 Assignment – K. Sam Ashray

1) What is terraform? Terraform is infrastructure as code tool that is used to define cloud resources and on-premises resources as configuration files that is understandable by human that can be versioned, reuse and shared. It manages an application’s underlying IT infrastructure through programming. It is written in Go programming language. 2) One example terraform program provider “github” { token=”github personal access token XXXXXXX” } resource “github_repository” “example” {name = “example”description = “My awesome codebase” visibility = “public”} 3) List of

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Terraform: Terraform is an open source “Infrastructure as Code” tool, created by HashiCorp. A declarative coding tool, Terraform enables developers to use a high-level configuration language called HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language) to describe the desired “end-state” cloud or on-premises infrastructure for running an application. It then generates a plan for reaching that end-state and executes the plan to provision the infrastructure. Example for Terraform Program: provider “aws” { region = “us-west-1” } resource “aws instance” myec2″ { ami = “ami-12345qwert” instance_type =

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Day 4 assignment

what is terraform? Terraform is a provisioning declarative tool that based on infrastructure as a code paradigm. It helps to evolve the infrastructure safely and predictably. Terraform is a multiple purpose composition tool. It composes the multi tiers and a plugin based architecture model. It is a open source and backed by hashicorp company and hashi tao. 2. one example terraform program resource “aws_instance” “demo” { ami = “ami-00831fc7c1e3ddc60” instance_type = “t2.micro” tags = { name = “Demo System” }

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What is terraform? Terraform is an infrastructure as code tool that lets you build, change, and version cloud and on-prem resources safely and efficiently. Example of terraform: terraform { required_providers { aws = { source = “hashicorp/aws” version = “~> 3.27” } } required_version = “>= 0.14.9” } provider “aws” { profile = “default” region = “us-west-2” } 5 commands init: Prepare your working directory for other commands validate: Check whether the configuration is valid plan : Show changes required

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Day 4

1.What is terraform? It is an open source infrastructure as code software tool. this helps to manage the application infrastructure -programming 2.One example terraform program resource “github_repository” “sample” {name = “example” description = “code” visibility=”public”} 3.List of 5 terraform commands and its use terraform init —- initialize a working directory terraform plan—show changes required and execution plan terraform apply—-create or update terraform show—-shows the terraform state or plan terraform destroy—destroy previously created one

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About Terraform by Katte Jahnavi

 What is terraform? Terraform is an infrastructure as code tool that lets you define both cloud and resources in human-readable configuration files that you can version, reuse, and share which enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve infrastructure.. Terraform supports a number of cloud infrastructure providers such as AWS, microsoft azure,IBM Cloud and many more.  One example for terraform program: provider “aws” { region = “us-west-1” } resource “aws instance” myec2″ { ami = “ami-12345qwert” instance_type = “t2.micro” }

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